Hungry1 said:
Yeah, and Clinton didn't have sexual relations with that woman.

Okay, your a moron,

, Who is to say I'm not pursueing a degree in social science? Thank you, peon. People, always so sure they know better than the next person.
endpoint said:
[B#7 I play in a "skinhead" band. Im the only one who is not a skin head in the band. Everyone in the band has no hatred for anyone, unless they have done something wrong (for some reason their main focus of hate is child molesters). they belive that people shouldnt be treated differently because of what they were born with. they should be treated the way that they act/ percieve them selves or others.
NOT ALL SKINS ARE RACIST. Yes granted......there are a lot of racist ones.......i know a few hammer skins. but i know more sane ones. I know many peoples parents are racist. even more so than skins [/B]

Now you know what you are talking about. Being a skinhead has very little to do with hating blacks, or any one race. It has to do with sexual offenders, and people from other country's who abuse our "Public systems." By example, as American History X pointed out, by hiring cheap border jumpers to work, the store owner effective cut out jobs for people who actually belonged here. They act like ticks on our society, just feeding off it, with nothing in return. No taxes, no large contributions, not even a vote!
Non racist skins are refered to as "Sharps" or "Sharpies" depending on the area. They actually only hate racist people, which in most cases, gets manifested in other "Skins" who simply follow the course of what they think it is too be a skinhead (just as it appears all of y ou do), which is to hate anything of a non-white family backround.
Do you realize in a poll done in 1993, from 10 major cities across the US, that over 40% of the white police force were a part of or connected to a "White organized Group?" It's not just a matter of going out and beating up black people, or beating up chinese people. It's something completely diferent.
I could elaborate to such an extent on other gang cultures, but I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings here (it seems I already have by pointing out the major misconceptions.)
So continue to hate skinheads. What do you hate about skinheads? The hair cut? The racisim? The music? If any one of those things are something you hate, than you don't hate skinheads, you hate individuals who choose to behave that way and hide under what they think it is too be a skinhead. If your going to focus on something so negative, at least know what your focusing on!