Great job. Surprised to hear of the credit you give to EF. Please don`t take it the wrong way. just thought you knew alot already but it`s good to see "you can never stop learning"
I`m 34 I wish I can keep going to 44+ I`m not on any "vitamins" though so it`s getting harder I think as I age.
gonelifting, I remember reading Sofa say that until only recently lifting information was mainly hit-and-miss and just what you could read in very average magazines. It was the internet that changed that Thankfully I haven't known any other way.
gonelifting, I remember reading Sofa say that until only recently lifting information was mainly hit-and-miss and just what you could read in very average magazines. It was the internet that changed that Thankfully I haven't known any other way.
I definitely think we are learning more and more... but gone lifting has an interesting point too... a lot of the info is old... it is just coming out now that it was correct.
Arnold's old training partner was a guy named kent kuehn. I got a lot of advice from Kent... and interestingly I never got one bit of bad advice from him. It was always right on the money... even if it wasn't the common school of thought.
Needsize's 5 x 5 routine has been a great blessing for me too. I've done many good training routines... but I have really gone on to new ground with 5 x 5.
I'm from the old school of bodybuilding... where we trained for STRENGTH and look... but of late my interst is becoming slanted towards strength gains.
I have a friend that works at my gym whom I spotted a 125# DB military for his 60th birthday not too long ago. 60 years old and he put up the 125# dummies for 2 clean by himself.
Age means shit when you have the heart brotha'. Keep it up.
I have a friend that works at my gym whom I spotted a 125# DB military for his 60th birthday not too long ago. 60 years old and he put up the 125# dummies for 2 clean by himself.
Age means shit when you have the heart brotha'. Keep it up.
My weight lifting coach in high school was 64. Every year on his birthday he would rep his weight for the number of years he had been alive... not sure how many sets it took him... but he always did it. He was a big guy too.