whats up guys!! ok heres the story:
24 yrs old
- just getting back into hardcore training(after a good year), i have lost some muscle mass, and before my "downfall" i was at a steady 240lbs for about 2 yrs...never been ripped before!! i really need help with the right diet as far as caloric intake, carbs, protein....
-i have done my fair share of the gear in the past, and im gonna be using primo, a lil test , possibly clen, or synthroid...and prob throw winnies in later....
- im really looking to end up at 235 about 9-11% BF, honestly i need the hard flat stomach, and be lean and hard as FUCK!!
- also, i have no prob with the cardio, for the past 2 weks i have been doing at least 2 miles a day 5 days a week....
anything you guys can tell me would really be appreciated!!! dont know if i asking for too much, but hey its worth the shot!!!
24 yrs old
- just getting back into hardcore training(after a good year), i have lost some muscle mass, and before my "downfall" i was at a steady 240lbs for about 2 yrs...never been ripped before!! i really need help with the right diet as far as caloric intake, carbs, protein....
-i have done my fair share of the gear in the past, and im gonna be using primo, a lil test , possibly clen, or synthroid...and prob throw winnies in later....
- im really looking to end up at 235 about 9-11% BF, honestly i need the hard flat stomach, and be lean and hard as FUCK!!
- also, i have no prob with the cardio, for the past 2 weks i have been doing at least 2 miles a day 5 days a week....
anything you guys can tell me would really be appreciated!!! dont know if i asking for too much, but hey its worth the shot!!!