Rabid Pit Bull
New member
18 pounds in the last 6-8 weeks. No steroids.
My diet isn't perfect by any means. But I have cut down my intake of greasy food alot in the last month or so. I guess you could say i have been on a bulk diet, but not really all that hardcore. I just try to eat as clean as I can, with lots of protein.
I ramped up my workout frequency 4-6 weeks ago. I went from sporadic workouts to working out 4 times a week. I have been taking in whey 2-4 times a day throughout, 3 weeks ago I i started taking casein as night, NO Explode before workout, and Cre-Aklyne (creatine) prior to work out.
I don't think I feel or look fatter, but I see myself everyday, so thats hard to judge. I think I do look a tad bit more muscular, my strength has increased ALOT since I intensified my workouts.
I don't have a body fat percentage to tell ya'll right now, but i will get that measured soon.
I am 22, almost 23, I weighed 190-200 since I was 19 or so, never really could get higher or lower, but now I am at 218, measured on 2 different scales, so I am curious. I just hope it more muscle than fat. What do ya'll think? Simple bulking gain? Getting fat? Getting swole?
Thank for any thoughts and opinions and feel free to ask me anything I have left out.
PS: I am 5'8, and have a little bit of a gut.
But I don't think its gotten any bigger, the rest of my body is relatively lean.
My diet isn't perfect by any means. But I have cut down my intake of greasy food alot in the last month or so. I guess you could say i have been on a bulk diet, but not really all that hardcore. I just try to eat as clean as I can, with lots of protein.
I ramped up my workout frequency 4-6 weeks ago. I went from sporadic workouts to working out 4 times a week. I have been taking in whey 2-4 times a day throughout, 3 weeks ago I i started taking casein as night, NO Explode before workout, and Cre-Aklyne (creatine) prior to work out.
I don't think I feel or look fatter, but I see myself everyday, so thats hard to judge. I think I do look a tad bit more muscular, my strength has increased ALOT since I intensified my workouts.
I don't have a body fat percentage to tell ya'll right now, but i will get that measured soon.
I am 22, almost 23, I weighed 190-200 since I was 19 or so, never really could get higher or lower, but now I am at 218, measured on 2 different scales, so I am curious. I just hope it more muscle than fat. What do ya'll think? Simple bulking gain? Getting fat? Getting swole?
Thank for any thoughts and opinions and feel free to ask me anything I have left out.
PS: I am 5'8, and have a little bit of a gut.