Okay, here's everyone's chance to flame me and call me a pussy, etc.
...what's up with people who consider hunting a sport, and call themselves 'sportsmen'? Where's the sport in wearing camoflauge, dousing yourself in animal piss, hiding up in a tree, and using a high-power scope to shoot at an animal 100 feet away who doesn't even have a clue that you're there? ...or shooting a shotgun into the air into the middle of a flock of birds, and getting all happy when one or two fall to the ground? Pretty unsportsmanlike in my opinion.
Now... maybe if you trained monkeys how to use guns, got them really pissed off, dropped them off on an island, and then had to hunt them down... that would be a little more sport-like.
...oh, and for the record: I'm not a vegetarian or a liberal, and I am pro-gun.