i love those types of guys
makes me feel alot better about ym steroid use and the results i get compared to them
i say just let him be, and give him shit about how he looks liek crap
trust me, eventualy they realise
i remeber some guy in my gym who i was speaking to about cycling was running about 2.5 grams of gear, and all he looked like was a puffer fish with legs
i asked him wat his goals were, and he told me to be about 20 pounds heavier then i was (mind you this guys already about 50 pounds lighter then me, and about 8%higher in bodyfat)
i asked him his plan on how he plans to get that big
his respone: 'take more juice bro'
made my day
Isn't that the answer to all questions?! TAKE MORE JUICE BRO!
On a more serious note, it sucks watching a friend go down the drain. But if you are 21, I would go with what some of the others were saying and keep telling him he looks like shit. Even if you don't get an immediate or obvious response, it plants a seed that grows every time you tell him.
There is a reason that younger guys like us juice, and I think a lot of it comes back to self esteem (which has to do with "looking good for the chicks", like your friend). Keep chipping away at him and you might just get through.