Thanks, I am very grateful to you all. When I make it through: I hope to make the time to write an E-book that would be very inexpensive that would finally put to end any and all fears about Injections and post injection matters such as: pip, abcesses and hitting any nerves--which would be an asset to everyone especially newbies. & also a small E-book on how to keep a calm mind to avoid feeling ragey and the catabolic testosterone diffusing (muscle-breaking) problems of a jacked up, type A personality. I'm going to make this work !! Thanks again!! Seize the December and start working on your 2021 New Years Resolutions Now as of mid December 2021, at least 365 New Year's Resoltutions: 1 for every day of the least 365, but more like 600 or 1000 - the skys the limit