wider grip on barbell will remove more of the tricep from the press and recruit more of the chest. If you go too wide it's bad for your shoulders I believe. To make it wider...(this will sound dumb) but be sure to stretch it more. I never used to stretch my chest and just walked around all balled up all the time. Try stretching more. I'm not sure what exercises to recommend. Try pullovers.
try doing supersets of 4 flat bench and 4 incline bench. Then polish it off with decline dumbell yes 4 sets . then cable cross overs yes 4 sets. try this once a mth for the next 6 mths. odds are you grow like a monster. .....................................Yes all this in one work out. P.S strecth after each set. To much To little To Late. White Ice.
try doing supersets of 4 flat bench and 4 incline bench. Then polish it off with decline dumbell yes 4 sets . then cable cross overs yes 4 sets. try this once a mth for the next 6 mths. odds are you grow like a monster. .....................................Yes all this in one work out. P.S strecth after each set. To much To little To Late. White Ice.
I agree with casualbb but if your looking for a wider appearance try focusing more on your shoulders and lats, that has helped me more than anything.