I am just starting a no carb diet and I wanted to know the best way to get some fiber? I have some citrucel but the container it comes in makes it sound like it is a medicine instead of just fiber. It says not to take this laxative product for more then one week. It says its methylcellulose soluble fiber. also is does not state how many carbs are in one dose. I would take the fiber pills, but the pills in the store are way too expensive.
i just saw that atrichokes have about 10 carbs and 5.4g of fiber. I love them so i think that will be my source. thanks guys. by the way here is a very cool food site. http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl
Citrucel is fine for extended use, just as Metamucil is, but they say to contact your doctor for extended use of both. Methylcellulose is a soluble plant fiber, not man-made. It's an attractive source of fiber for some (such as IBS patients) in that it won't cause excess gas when the fiber ferments on the way down. Each serving of the sugar-free, btw, contains 6.5g of carbs but it's almost all fiber, so don't fret too much over it.
what about metamucil?! pure fiber right there...but generally food choices are better...spinach, romaine lettuce, broccoli and green peppers (my favorite),mushrooms....you could look at lentils too, they do however contain other carbs, but out of 20~ g of carbs they contain 14g's fiber - excellent, especially since lentils are very low GI and they're quite satisfying, unlike leafy veggies...