yeah my girl smurfy has it on the buttom right there id say...i know her pretty well (not personally), but ive known her for a long time and she knows quite a bit about dating, shes a tough bitch, astute and intense but can be very kind at has it though...the girl seems pretty immature to complain about how he looks..unless the shirt is totally trashy looking, then i can understand. If you're attracted to the girl and her personality n whatknot, who cares if she dresses a little "comfortable" on occasion in public, same goes for the guy in THIS situation.
But anywhoo thanks again heath...i like this girl...she's quite perceptive (you)...i honestly think golden and heather might make interesting adventure partners, though long term, its like a gemini and pisces/torus...too much arguing will result LOL, although both of you guys seem to posess unique/complex personalities , I'd love to watch you two in a live argument over a box of popcorn sometime, and keep chart of who's winning ..lmao(kinda like on the TV show "House" where house keeps track of his wins with his patients LOl) a gemini myself but heath's too old for me prob ...i need girls in the 20-27 range (for a long term thing)..although you're what, 28ish? thats just a guess from how u look in your avatar=0...prob perfect for golden's guess is he's 30-33ish (just based on how he talks).
Im pretty perceptive when it comes to knowing when im getting attraction signals/signs from girls as i get them daily at the gym. I just get lost up in my pride, and workout focus, and to a middle extent, how to make as good an impression as possible without saying the wrong thing. After listening through the first 4 CD' pretty aware now on how to be super confident, how to attract girls around me, how to make a quick first impression and gain a little quick insight into that girl's world (this is during a workout, rest periods dont last long, short chat at first is fine im sure), as well as how to talk to her without making her test me other words..without having to make her come out of her state of emotion and question me much (at least in the beginning)...this'll prevent me from saying the wrong thing other words id do more of the question asking, and throw in a quick comment or 2 occasionally to relate to her, and let her tell me her "map" of her "world", if that makes sense. It also helps me to pick who i want to be friends with and whom i may want to partake in asking out. This also pertains to that girl im interested in..I need to get to know more of her "map" see if its at all similiar to my map to see if their is any overlayering because THAT is important for long term things to workout..although chemistry helps ALOT with this as well.
My last gf was 32 actually...i love older girls for some reason..the intelligence and personality is always what gets me...i cant stand an ignorant girl...who can...cept maybe a jock LOL..she was a total sweetheart, kinda smart, but really calm, non dramatic, just a total princess. She was partially deaf in 1 ear though so i had to constantly ask her over n over things on occasion which was really annoying, and she was really slow, her personality was slow in general and mine is more upbeat and energetic (probably like alot of the guys on elite since theyre bodybuilders id assume anyhow) full of energy, my physical/mental/psychological stature pretty much reflect and flow syngergistally together in a more upbeat energetic frame of mind. She wasnt adventerous at all, liked to just stay home n watch tv n walk the dog with me...that feels more like friendship shit to me or stuff couples do in the beginning (not always), or stuff older folks do me it was nice for a little while but I like going out and exploring, having a good time in new and exciting places. I would have LOVED to be friends with her after our brakeup and have her in my life in someway at least, we DID date 6 months...i basically set the conditions for her to brakeup with me (i didnt wanna brake it with her to hurt HER feelings), but i called her 2 weeks later, she never answered, so that was it. Prob better though because she may have gotten attached later on, just being friends (i didnt want that really, i just wanted friendship).
Now if it doesnt work out with this current italian/spanish lady(maybe it will, maybe it wont, nothing damn near perfect (i.e-girl) in the world is ever easy to achieve for long term happyness) but if it doesnt, I still got this south half of florida to chomp around in, honestly the age thing isnt a huge factor i just dont want a girl that is within 20 years of my ma's age LOL since the most beautiful girls in the USA live down in Florida, gotta see whats available! just my .02=0) Even this tanned hotty i cant honestly say is my age, she "looks" it, but she may be know how it is with these fitness girls, some can look 10 years younger than they actually are (with all these new anti aging wrinkle cremes n shit)..hahaha...
And one last thing...its funny how some people can have an incredibly mature 19 yr old girl (my brother's gf im close with, she's one of the smartest and most talented balenced and stable girls-in every way- of girls i know) thats super mature, then have a 30some year old broad that is so clingy its ridiculous...ive had one, for a short period...that i met online..i dont know..a year or 2 ago...she'd be annoying on occasion..say...once every few days (while we dated)...and stay naggin me about something "oh dont wear those jeans, wear these nice brown pants to dinner, i dont really like those jeans" (meanwhile her friggen dad wears jeans! lmao!) so she keeps going on n on bla bla and i just cant stand it....its pretty hard to piss me off...but i just couldnt handle it so yeah i yell it her "yo emily! will you just shut up about the damn jeans already and be quiet!!?? so she gets all stunned...amazed/silent...and starts to slowly get into a crying phase that lasts for awhile...well i leave her alone..come back awhile later, maybe an hour...damn girl is so happy its almost scary...LOL...i noticed a reoccuring pattern of em doing this every few days, so i shouted at her each time, the same darn thing happened, with her becoming happy around an hour later...i think its like these darn girls r testing us see if we';ll put them in their place and be a man...take authority...
its a bit irritating but thats how some girls test guys to see if theyre really what they should be-a man. It just didnt workout between us though because she obviously had some underlying issues with guys...i prefer a more stable less dramatic girl...drama is something us guys can do without..LOL.
In a sense im quite nieve when it comes to girls...hey im 24, im sure golden knows a shitload more about girls then i do in ways (since he IS older than me), but i guess im just a little more old fashioned and simple, yet i try to be effective, when im actually in the process of "gaming"..but im definately still learning and in the 9 yrs or so i HAVE been dating, ive learned alot, and im confident on what i DO know..for sure...but yet, there's so much more to learn. Us guys on the other hand are very easy and predictable to read, take it from me! LOL
time to catch some shut eye and jump in the hay...first im going to delve into some teeny bopper "material" on my computer to "use" be4 bed...i like "College Pyjama Party series 1 of 3"..hehe >