You need carbs, good carbs within 15 minutes of your training. Good carbs like dextrose and/or maltodextrin are optimal. you need to restore you glycogen levels to optimum capacity for recovery and building. That is where the good gains come from. Stay away from anything that contains fructose though. Fructose does not break down easily to help repair and rebuild the muscles, and can actually add to some fat storage. The little unknown and dirty secret about fructose is that is does not convert well into liver glycogen, and therefore, not much is eventually converted for proper muscle building and recovery. This is FAR from optimal, and can be counter productive. The problem is that the liver has very little fructose-converting enzyme and the typical person can only convert about 50 grams PER DAY of fructose to glycogen. Read that again…PER DAY! Not per hour or per serving…PER DAY!
So what happens to the rest of the glucose? You guessed, converted to FAT.
Do it as I described above than about 45 minutes later, have a good quality meal with quality protein and watch your gains soar.
Good Luck!