I eat something semi-healthy right before bed. If I don't eat I can't sleep, and sleep is more important than eliminating the 150-250 calories from my diet.
Another thing about the carbs is that esp if you are on a very clean diet, the carbs can make you stay awake and then crash. I tend to not feel good after carbs unless I'm up and around.
I literally eat on my pillow as instructed. this is my 4th meal since I am done training which falls around 915pm, training ends at 630pm....so its about 250 carbs in 3 hours....yowwwww.......
I am scheudled to have 8oz of flank and 3 egg whites. About 50g of protein and 20g of fat....today I'll have 6oz of dry curd 2tb of pb and some mashed up walnuts....same difference but its a fat meal.
Then, if I ever wake up during the night, I am suppose to eat protein, usuing just a blend of pudding and casein. I got to get some more protein delite....shit is the BOMB!
That is a great combo, I do the same but add a little chocolate protein powder to it to satisfy my sweet tooth. Sounds gross but it gives it a great texture.
That is a great combo, I do the same but add a little chocolate protein powder to it to satisfy my sweet tooth. Sounds gross but it gives it a great texture.
Actually its not bad as long as you get out the hand blender and whip it all together... besides that its not too tasty...
Another good one is protein powder and some SF/FF jell-o though, NOW that is tasty PLus you can add in whatever else (a TBL of PB, chopped nuts, etc)