Well, not exactly.
If by "confuse the body" you mean switching exercises and set/rep schemes a lot, that might work a little, as different exercises stress different fibers and if a fiber experiences a new, higher level of stress, it will grow.
An easier way to ensure growth is progressive load. The 5x5 is a great example of this. Pick a good compound exercise, say squats. After a little time off, your muscles will be very apt to grow, even from light weights. So say you choose to do 5 reps, and your 5RM is 225. You could start at 150 for 5, and then ramp up the weights over the course of a few weeks until you hit 225. People doing HST and the 5x5 have found this provides pretty nice growth.
Well, not exactly.
If by "confuse the body" you mean switching exercises and set/rep schemes a lot, that might work a little, as different exercises stress different fibers and if a fiber experiences a new, higher level of stress, it will grow.
An easier way to ensure growth is progressive load. The 5x5 is a great example of this. Pick a good compound exercise, say squats. After a little time off, your muscles will be very apt to grow, even from light weights. So say you choose to do 5 reps, and your 5RM is 225. You could start at 150 for 5, and then ramp up the weights over the course of a few weeks until you hit 225. People doing HST and the 5x5 have found this provides pretty nice growth.