Twice a week either stadiums or bike... 25-35 minutes
Sometimes I mix it up and throw in this routine:
Jog a couple of laps and get warmed up
then stretch from head to toe.
Starting with upper body and then back then lower body
Now you can start your drills.
Run the straight aways (Track), either
start with that or you can go in the middle of the track where
they play football or soccer. I like it there because they already have 10
yard markers.
I like to start off with:
High knees
Karaoke's (this is where you stand sideways and cross one leg over the other and run to sideways
fast, arms are out to side)
Butt kicks
Backwards sprints -- every 30 to 40 yards then walk --- 4 X's
Sprint 10 yards go back to start run to 20 yard line go back to the start
then go to the 30 yard line go back to starting line. Never stopping.
Then do full sprints 50 yards. 4 x's ---those are the killers.
If that is to much just modify it. At the end you can run stairs or do them
before your drills so your not so fatigue.
These are really great conditioning drills that rip up your muscles I think that you will enjoy them. there are a lot more we can add. But these are fine
for now.