So you're saying high reps and lower weight makes the muscles increase in size MORE than doing low reps and heavy weights? That doesn't at all sound right...
I said both increase the msucle size, but by different means, and targeting different types of fibre types within the muscle.
The CNS is more involved with heavier weights, especially if you acclerate the weight.
As I said there is overlap between the 2 methods. And every person is different. You'll just have to experiemnt, but never forget the CNS!
I believe in only performing 2 intense sets for all upperbody exercises. The first 2 sets are warmups with light weights. As for legs, they are comprised of thick muscles, so high weights and volume is what I stick with here. We are talking 4 to 5 sets per exercise.
Legion, what is your reasoning that leg muscles are denser and would thus have more mass when massed on a balance than say the forearms or the triceps? (I assume you are not referring to the size of them in measurements when you say "thick") Not trying to argue, just wondering how you came to this conclusion.