Curling - I am not flaming you so please don't take it that way but I am going to be very blunt.
If gear is going to work for her she MUST EAT and I'm not talking a little cantaloupe here I'm talking 2000+ clean calories a day.
She must lift HEAVY and CONSISTANTLY!
She must accept the fact that is she wants to be lean, hard and defined that she is going to have to replace the muscle that she starved off and she will gain some fat in that process, or at least keep the fat she's got while she packs on some muscle. In otherwords she is going to get bigger before she gets smaller. There is the right way to use these drugs and the wrong way. If she starts doing the right things she won't need the anavar for at least a year but if you are hell bent on using it start with 5mg ed cut in two doses and after three weeks bump it to 10mg ed if there are no sides. A body that is overtrained, undernourished or underrecovered will not feel "frisky". I am sorry to sound like the bitch from hell but I am very concerned for your wife as I really feel that from everything that has been said previously she is on the fast track to an eating disorder.