To correctly answer this You need to find out your BF is less then 15% i will do 2.0Lb if more then 15% I would suggest you start of with 1.5x Lean Body Mass. You dont want to add more protein then what is needed it will just be waste of money and will be stored as fat.
Per pound or per kilogram of body weight or lean body mass???
per pound of weight won't be what I tell you , because that's supplement company BS....
If you don't work a physical 8-12 hour job lifting boxes etc , you can drop your diet requirements , because the above will add fat to your frame...
In the end , food should be seen as energy. The only reason people believe loading up on protein doesn't add fat is because of TEF. Even in the case of protein TEF only subtracts 30% of caloric intake for proteins.
1.5 - 2g per kilogram of LEAN BODY MASS should be good enough