growing painz one more thing to keep in mind is that some fakes are so good even pros cant tell till you use em for a month and nothing happens.
Talk to your source , Ask him to make good on the dbol if he can but keep in mind he may not have scamed you he may have been scamed himself.
One thing about dbol is even on a shity diet and no training you will gain alot of water , Show him your lack of weight gain and see if he will work with you.
If he says the dbol was real or is unwilling to help you in any way , He may be a scamer.
Talk to your source , Ask him to make good on the dbol if he can but keep in mind he may not have scamed you he may have been scamed himself.
One thing about dbol is even on a shity diet and no training you will gain alot of water , Show him your lack of weight gain and see if he will work with you.
If he says the dbol was real or is unwilling to help you in any way , He may be a scamer.