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How long does a warrant for arrest last?

superdave said:
speeding, something like 10 miles over or some stupid shit.

that is not very serious. Unless you were in a school zone or something. Fine shouldn't be that bad. Pay it off mate. I know it really really fucking sucks.
Wow, we may have caught him!


for non-plats
oh shit good question. Me and Dave are breakin the law.

I live in Georgia and I got popped in Florida when I was 18 for doing 95 in a 65. I didnt have the money for the ticket and I didnt want my parents to find out so I never paid it. I "surrendered" my license in lieu of bail and came home after spring break. About 3 months later I just went to the DMV and got a new license and told them I'd lost the other one. That was 5 years ago.

Am I all clear now?
superdave said:
If I have a warrant out for something like failing to take care of a traffic ticket, how long will that continue to show up if I get pulled over in the future?

I'd be careful. I got a parking ticket in California b/f I shipped my old truck back Hawaii in 2001. I went this summer to renew my drivers license and that damn ca ticket showed up. The clerk said" yeah, new national system is slowly being put into place, we linked to CA just last year" I had to go to the county clerk and pay $98.00 because there was a bench warrant and a stopper on my license. The internet, nice how it's bringing us all together. :worried:
RottenWillow said:
oh shit good question. Me and Dave are breakin the law.

I live in Georgia and I got popped in Florida when I was 18 for doing 95 in a 65. I didnt have the money for the ticket and I didnt want my parents to find out so I never paid it. I "surrendered" my license in lieu of bail and came home after spring break. About 3 months later I just went to the DMV and got a new license and told them I'd lost the other one. That was 5 years ago.

Am I all clear now?

I wouldn't get a ticket in FL if I were you.
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