Hey Everyone....I can't believe I missed this thread.
Here is my take on "Living"
It started back in 1987. I feel in love, with someone I thought was the greatest. Still a virgin at that time. When we first began to learn about each other, he had told me he had been tested. He was Negative at the time we moved intogether. We never used protection, since we was negative and I had never been with anyone, we didn't see need. Well as the years went by we made of great life. Then one day a didn't feel very well. This had went on for like a month. Soon I got worse. Coughing, fever, not eating, sore throat. I finally went to the Dr. It was one of those walk-in type places. I saw the Dr, he thought I had Bronchitus. He also asked If I had ever been tested for HIV. I told him no, but he suggested I get tested as long as I was there. Well I went home, with my Antibotics, but I was not getting any better. Finally my results were back..POSITVE. It really didn't phase me like most, I was too sick to even think about what I was just told. After that he did an X-ray, to see if there was something else going on. I had something called PCP. He had recommend I go to a Infectious Disease Dr. I did not keep it a secret that I had gotten test. I told my Boyfriend, and my mom. She freaked out, we all worked for the same company, only she was across the street in another building. We all left at the same time that day, I told my supervisor. He was very understanding. I went to the new Dr. He was real nice. Changed the antibotics, to another one that treated PCP. He said we weren't going to start treatment yet, but once I was over the PCP we would. As that week went on , I got worse real quick. It took about a week after I saw him, that I went into the hospital. I could not breath very well, and the fever would not go away. My parent had went to Tn. to get away from the stress. I suggeted it. Well they had to come home quickly. My mom stayed at the hospital with me, as most mother would do. It was then my Doctor had told me, that I had full blown AIDS. My mom fell apart, but I still was not phased. Two day later, my left lung colasped, then the following week the right one went as well. So, there I was very sick in intensive care, both lungs collapsed, hooked up to all theses machines. Nothing the Dr's did helped to fix the lungs. The PCP had been so bad, that it was killing of parts of my lung tissue. Finally they performed surgory. They went in and scrapped all the dead tissue off my lungs. During this time I had missed several important events. Easter, my birthday, mother's day, and my dad's birthday. I got to come home after being in the hospital for 6 weeks. When I left I had only 50 t-cells left to protect me. I moved in with my parents, till I got better. I finally went back to work, that was a issue in itself. It was a union company, and someone found out and made a big deal, and it was decided that all three building had to be notified about the situation. I worked for maybe 6 months, before I got sick again. This time it was something called Crypto Cocus. It's a head ache from hell. I have only spoke to one other person who had it. It is a form of Mengitus. it's basically a fungus that attacks the lining of the brain. I had a spinal tap, to confirm the diagnoses. Started treatment for that, and was on medicatin for many years to controll it. The list goes on as to what I had. I even went blind in my left eye, reason was unknown. I had a Cornea transplant to correct my sight. My t-cell count had gotten as low as 1(one).
I split with my Bf, in 1992, after being with him for 7 years. He admitted he started to cheat , after our 4th year together. He had only thought about his needs and was not using protection. Thus giving it to me. He died sometimes in the 2000. Cancer of the tongue and throat.
I went on disablity, in 1993 and just started to regain myself and my health. Did not date for fear, but now I have found love, and we have been together for nearly 7 years. My healths had gotten so great that Social Security claimed me no longer disabled. Without warning. It stopped and so did my Medicare. I have not been able to find work, after all it has been over 13 years since my last job. The stress has been greatly increased now. My T-cell have fallen drastically. They were up in the middle 400's , but now they are down in th 100's again. Some of that was my own doing. I went off my Medication, when no one would hire me. I was my thought to get sick with something , so that I could get my medicare back, but it didn't work. All it did was drop my numbers. I am back on them once again and they are on the rise. It has been a 1 1/2 years since it all stopped, and I am still without a job. No medical insurance either. Isn't that something, my own good health was used against me. I was fortunate that the Government can not touch my Medication. I get that through the Ryan White fund.
well sorry this was so long, but thats my story.
We all have differnt things happen to each of us. I wish everone infected the Best of Health in 2005. Those of you not infected, stay that way. Use Protection all the time.....