Fast Twitch Fiber
New member
I'd like to try it eventually but I don't know how big you need to be to walk on stage without getting laughed at. That's me in my avatar. That's not the best pic, the lighting is a bit harsh and I have no tan so no definition shows. How big are guys that compete in the local contests in the novice division? Keep in mind I don't give a damn about actually winning, I'd just like to have an event to train for. It's easier to make gains if you have a goal of peaking at a certain date. I've noticed some bodybuilding contests have a lightweight novice division. I'm wondering if I have anywhere close to enough mass to walk on stage without looking like a fool. What do you guys think? Does anyone know what guys in the novice division look like? I realize I'm not exactly cut right now but I think I could hit 10% BF with a 12-15 week cutting cycle.