I think some of you guys are kidding yourselves....You forget so easily how you initially got into lifting.
I do not kid myself...my initial reasoning for getting into lifting was revenge on an ex girlfriend, who I wanted to see me the next semester and be wow'ed.....I never got more reaction from women in my life than when I was 180lbs, 7% bf...
NOW, that being said, over time your desires/goals start changing and you realize "screw what women think, this is fun" or "let's see how big I can get", etc.
I'm about 215-220 right now, bigger than I've ever been...guess what, I don't get chicks for shit b/c at my height, I'm a pretty big dude...many of my girl-friends tell me that they were intimidated by me when they first met me. My own girlfriend now tells me that she is used to dating skinny guys and if she had her way, I'd be back down to 175-180ish.
Regardless, girls were the reason I got into it...and many of you have forgotten that its the reason you got into it as well. This kid is in highschool...he hasn't had the life lessons you all have had or the "revelations" that impressing someone else ain't worth it.
Cut him some slack, he has to learn the same things we had to learn. Just because he doesn't want to dead lift a lot or become a bodybuilder or powerlifter doesn't make him better than us as a human being...it just means he has different tastes. Never start thinking you're better than someone b/c you're more hardcore than someone...b/c then you turn into one of "those guys" in the gym that everyone thinks is a prick.
Sure I laugh at the newbies in the gym who are cheat-swinging 35 lbs dbells for curls...but you know what, I am just as likely to give them helpful advice if they come up to me or if I know them b/c I remember that I was once in their shoes as well.