Originally posted by Robboe:
So you do all of your other muscles in two days and then spend one day doing abs alone. Using two day splits can be quite beneficial (i.e. day one: upper body, day two: lower body) but then to do abs for 30 minutes is quite unnecessary.
You'd be better off keeping your 3 day split (mon, wed, fri or whatever you currently have) and splitting the body parts up. Doing your upper body in one workout would most definatly leave you drained. Doing legs has always left me drained, but not as bad as you put it. You may not have an up to scratch diet if that is the case. make sure you're eating enough to fuel your goals (whether it be muscle gain or weight loss - dieting on too low calories can be 'suicidal' for your muscle mass you already have).
Back to the split: Do something simple like:
Monday - back/biceps
Wednesday - chest/triceps/abs
Friday - legs
splitting the upper body up like this may stop you feeling really drained, but if not, it could be your diet.
Also, you haven't posted your rep/set scheme. I suggest doing 2-3 sets per exercise and 3 exercises for larger bodyparts (chest, legs, upper Back - Lower back requires deadlifts or squats alone per week) and 1-2 exercises for smaller bodyparts.
Go to failure on every set.
That what my original training schedule looked like. But I feel that twice a week is good. I may be wrong on that one.
Also this is what my upper body schedule is like.
I do 2-3 sets of bench press at 105 pounds.
(about 10 reps each set)
A bunch of dumbell flies. Few sets and using 10-7-3 rest pause system. (it hurts).
I finish my chest workout with pec deck vertical flies. I start with highest weight I can do with my burned pecs. 155 pounds. I do 10-12 reps. Then I immeadetely switch to lower weight and do more sets with no rest.
I do that for a while. After that set I fall down on the floor unable to do 1 pushup! Oh no! Then I do my back workout.
3-4 sets of One hand bent over rows . I use 90 pound dumbells for 8 reps. After that I do
flies for back of my shoulders. Also I sometimes do a bit of T-Bar rows. I finish with standing rows with 80 pound barbell.
ANd my last workout is for upper traps. (shrugs) with whatever poundages I feel like it. Sometimes I go for power with 90 pound dumbells. Sometimes I go for reps with 40 pound barbells.
That is my upper body workout.
My lower body workout consists of squats and stiff deadlifts. Some of the squats are done on 10-7-3 system. After I do my sets I usually am lying down on the bench dying.
I am telling you 2 sets of 10-7-3 is horrible! Try to squat 10 reps , go halfway up and wait for 30 seconds, then do 7 reps, wait for 30 seconds and do 3 more reps.
KILLS ME! I squat from 130 pounds to 40 pounds (depends if it is normal squat or some
super kill quad-a-thon)
I stiff leg deadlift 225 pounds for 10 reps.
I can almost do one stiff-deadlift for 235-250 pounds).
aND my CALVE WORKOUT SUCKS BIG TIME! Do 5-6 sets of 20 reps using heaviest weighjt you can. After I did that my calves were sore for a WEEK!
And for my abs workout I do crunches, bicycling stuff. Knee raises with 20 pound dumbell. And leg raises with some weight on it. Also I do side bends with 60 pound dumbells. 12 reps for 5 sets or so
Anyways, that is how my work-out routine looks like. Any constructive criticism is welcomed