What's up fellas, I have a dilema regarding my arms. I have been working out for about 8 years now, I'm currently on my second cycle, and as I keep going, I notice that it's easier for me to train certain muscle groups than others. I'm 5'7" and 197 lbs. Basically, I have a huge back and chest, legs are thick, including calves, however, my arms are lagging behind, only 16 1/2 in. I've tried changing my workout, but it seems that my chest and back just keep growing at a much faster rate than my arms. Ideally, I wouldn't mind if my chest/back stayed their current size and I got just bigger arms, but I don't want to stop working them out completely. Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Here's my arm training:
Standing Barbell Curls: 4x8
Preacher Curls: 4x8
Hammer Curls: 4x8
Lying Tricep Extension: 4x8
Close Grip Bench Press: 4x8
Tricep Extension: 4x8
Here's my arm training:
Standing Barbell Curls: 4x8
Preacher Curls: 4x8
Hammer Curls: 4x8
Lying Tricep Extension: 4x8
Close Grip Bench Press: 4x8
Tricep Extension: 4x8