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Heaven is coming to Earth, (long, so dont click on)

  • Thread starter Thread starter BrothaBill
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bran987 said:
subscribed thread - I'm gonna read this sometime

When you do Bran987, look through the Zen of what is said, see what the true meaning that is said, its quite funny.

Read this definition of Zen before you read it, itll help with the riddle.

I am whatever you believe I am, in Hindu I am Brahman, but you can call me Zen.

What is Zen? (the simple question)
Zen is short for Zen Buddhism. It is sometimes called a religion and sometimes called a philosophy. Choose whichever term you prefer; it simply doesn't matter.

What is Zen? (the real question)
This question basically asks "What is the essence of Zen?". It appears in various guises throughout Zen literature, from "What is the meaning of Bodhidharma's coming from the West?" to "Have you eaten yet?". The question cuts right to the heart of the matter and can only be answered by you. Perhaps the best answer is "practice".

WHy does Zen seem like NONsense
One of the central points of Zen is intuitive understanding. As a result, words and sentences have no fixed meaning, and logic is often irrelevant. Words have meaning only in relation to who is using them, who they are talking to, and what situation they are used in. Some postings are indeed nonsense; other postings appear to be nonsense at first but this is because the meaning is all between the lines.
BrothaBill said:
When you do Bran987, look through the Zen of what is said, see what the true meaning that is said, its quite funny.

Read this definition of Zen before you read it, itll help with the riddle.

I am whatever you believe I am, in Hindu I am Brahman, but you can call me Zen.

What is Zen? (the simple question)
Zen is short for Zen Buddhism. It is sometimes called a religion and sometimes called a philosophy. Choose whichever term you prefer; it simply doesn't matter.

What is Zen? (the real question)
This question basically asks "What is the essence of Zen?". It appears in various guises throughout Zen literature, from "What is the meaning of Bodhidharma's coming from the West?" to "Have you eaten yet?". The question cuts right to the heart of the matter and can only be answered by you. Perhaps the best answer is "practice".

WHy does Zen seem like NONsense
One of the central points of Zen is intuitive understanding. As a result, words and sentences have no fixed meaning, and logic is often irrelevant. Words have meaning only in relation to who is using them, who they are talking to, and what situation they are used in. Some postings are indeed nonsense; other postings appear to be nonsense at first but this is because the meaning is all between the lines.
amazing, are you just now attempting to answer the thread I posted directed to you 3 weeks ago??
bran987 said:
amazing, are you just now attempting to answer the thread I posted directed to you 3 weeks ago??

Dancing Karma Man knows not what the future or the past holds, its all Zen
The answer is inside you, always has been

"All your karmas are belong to us"
devastation thread
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Hi Brotha..

You need to seriously chill out with this or I will be forced to post long and tedious reads concerning my beliefs that the cast from Charmed are really the true saviours...
bullett said:
Hi Brotha..

You need to seriously chill out with this or I will be forced to post long and tedious reads concerning my beliefs that the cast from Charmed are really the true saviours...

Threats don't work... I already tried. He'll read everything you wrote, and respond in a post twice the length of your original.

samoth said:
Threats don't work... I already tried. He'll read everything you wrote, and respond in a post twice the length of your original.


Have you figured out the Riddle that this thread is about yet, you will find it funny!
BrothaBill said:
Have you figured out the Riddle that this thread is about yet, you will find it funny!

Riddle? Really? Honestly, I didn't read most of it... just skimmed it.

Funny riddle? Does it involve making fun of engineers? I love ripping on those silly guys. It's so easy.

Forget meds - your best bet and all of humans best chance of ending our suffering is to cleanse our bodies and minds (especially of those pharmaceutical drugs) and cleanse our "lense" because life is just a serotonin hallucination. Sometimes some deep looking inside or a little guided MDMA psychotherapy (or a little dose of DMT) - preferably around Rick Strassman will snap you out of those delusions.

More questions answered:

Is this "Imaginal realm" the same hyperspace we visit, while on DMT or dreaming/meditation/astral projecting?

Yes it is. I just liked the term Imaginal Realm when I read it in Jim DeKorne’s book “Psychedelic Shamanism.” It made a lot of concepts come together for me about Heavenly Realms and Hell Realms – it’s based on belief complexes and imagination. I believe the denizens of the higher dimensions use our thoughts as “food” to fuel them – that’s why I began delving deeper into Buddhism & Taoism instead of psychedelics (although they can be massively synergistic in people who are ready). I felt building alters would be a better way to serve these beings of the higher dimensions than getting nauseous & thrown into their dimension - feeling vulnerable sometimes and scared on DMT or DXM. Though I have a sensitive stomach and having severe nausea sets the tone for a bad trip sometimes.

Do we have any control of our afterlife?

Yes. However you are in your life, you will be like that in death. So, it’s very important to cleanse your karma and free yourself of as many fears and hatred as possible (for the consequences could be a rebirth in a Hell Realm, a bug, as a human again or many other forms we can take that are filled with suffering that we’ve been experiencing for thousands of lifetimes. If you have one good thought in the afterlife, you can be reborn in a Heavenly Realm and be free of suffering.

But, as I said before, that is very difficult to do like realizing you’re dreaming in the middle of a dream. It’s much harder that lucid dreaming - so we must prepare. I still want to admonish members of the drug community that, although drugs are very valuable to our species for evolution and peering into the higher dimensions (and I’m not talking about cocaine and heroin drug users – that shit will turn you to a hungry ghost very fast), we need to establish a foundation of sound spiritualism and “get informed” as the people of tell us – plunging into hyperspace can leave you with “psychic damage” if you are not prepared to see reality as a confluence of many realms – inhabited by intelligences other than human & occasionally you may bother the wrong Gods.

One god, one devil.. such a dualistic view. Seems everything is dualistic these days.
Question is when will Jesus be reborn to show truth in reincarnation?

We can see evidence of reincarnation from many other people that have graced this planet – people who have memories of villages they’ve never visited in this present lifetime or people who remember entire buddhist scriptures without having any education in this lifetime. Sogyal Rinpoche remarks “I believe that this process of incarnation is not limited to Tibet, but can occur in all countries at all times. Throughout history there have been figures of artistic genius, spiritual strength, and humanitarian vision who have helped the human race go forward. I think of Gandhi, Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa, of Shakespeare, of St. Francis, of Beethoven, of Michelangelo. When Tibetans hear of such people, they immediately say they are bodhisattvas. And whenever I hear of them, of their work and vision, I am moved by the majesty of the vast evolutionary process of the buddhas and masters that emanate to liberate beings and better the world.”

So basically Yahweh screwed over Jesus, setting us back?

Yes, they set us back in evolution and destroyed our cities often when they believed we were becoming too evolved for their liking. They say he's like 900 or a thousand or so years old - and they keep replicating his funky old body - but I’m not sure I believe the transference of the original dude’s consciousness is possible to the next body. It seems like the memory cells and what not are intact, but the soul must be from whatever soul felt a propensity to enter at the time. The likelihood of a soul to re-enter that same Elohim humanoid body is minute. It's just a guy who's now got all of his memory cells and behaviors but it could be anyone in there - an evil genius who realized he could steer their lost civilization to kill with all that technology.

Where is the original Yahweh at? What is his story?

Probably suffering a Hell Realm for the torment he put humans through on Earth & the 2 other planets they created a DNA project on. Yes. He is in a Hell Realm of his own making is what my Buddha Vajrasattva tells me now. He lived to be like 900+ years because of their tampering with DNA but I think later on it was just a clone of him with another soul with his same memories guiding him.

Levitation is very possible. I see it in my dreams [I just liked this statement and thought I’d comment on it].

It’s possible on Earth too – through a combination of the throat chakra and the survival (bottom) chakra. It just takes an enormous amount of energy – it’s better to book a flight if you want to fly. However, in an interstellar bar brawl or a gun fight, it would be nice to jump to a second or third story (or higher) to get the heck out of there. Let’s not forget that technique just yet.

It is seems much easier to fly in hyperspace when our corporeal bodies are not holding us back. It’s enjoyable in dreams, religious visions and a psychedelic high. I’m sure the Gods never get tired of that means of transportation either. It also seems there are “wormholes” (or at least it’s easier to see them) in hyperspace - so simply flying might still be an amateur way to get around to Gods.

Is this Elohim different then the one the Israel people called their false gods?

The Elohim picked a group of humans and wanted them to “carry the torch” of becoming a human disease and staying in the human form as scientists. They didn’t follow what the Elohim said, were told many lies and then became hedonistic & cannibalistic at times. What else would humans do with a bunch of idiotic scientists as their fake gods. They were merely confused and punished too hard by the Elohim race. We should all embrace all human races as our brothers and sisters and think about working together to end suffering for all sentient beings.

If Archons evolved from humans, then wouldn't that make it possible for every human to be able to evolve into an Archon? If they meet the right circumstances I am guessing.
Yes, everyone can do it. Having a deep connection to any religion or a strong love for a belief system can help you gain an afterlife as a God.

What is the story on Jarwar? Is he of the same Elohim, that Isreal people called their false gods?

He’s from that race yes - but had nothing to do with the DNA project and the oppression of humans. That happened long ago, and although recently the Elohim claimed that they learned from their mistakes and want to help us evolve in our science – with the crop circles and scientific diagrams they’ve burned into fields as a large “blackboard” – we don’t need them to stay or have an embassy right now. At least until I see they’ve made progress towards peace and self-sufficiency. I don’t mean just PEACE for their race while they colonize worlds and use other’s resources and keep the poor humans they create from evolving. I mean really looking deeply into their system for a way to travel outside the body ( sort of like seeing life as clearly as how the Hubble space telescope pictures were when taken above our polluted atmosphere ) and then forgetting the idea of amassing more wealth and materials. The Gods here are so advanced and “technologically” so superior as to live on simply the thoughts of the lesser dimensional beings. I mean we emit massive amounts of theta waves anyway when we’re asleep. That’s just wasted energy that higher-dimensional beings can harness. The Elohim were just keeping everyone in humanoid form and pushing their ideas on other worlds and we don’t need ‘em.

So you and say Jarwar are both Elohims who didn't agree with the project?

Yes. I came here to prove the whole DNA project was dangerous from the start. I treated a wealthy man named Job badly (this was before Jesus’ time) to try to prove they would come back and conquer us. Job had considerable political pull and I tried to show the Elohim colonists that if you took his money away he wouldn’t stay so loyal. He did remain loyal. Then, I tried to show them that if you took his house and his kids away he wouldn’t be loyal to the Elohim. This human proved his loyalty after many tests. Who knows, maybe I realized then that all this crap the Elohim stood for was a twisted version of reality and lost faith in my home planet. I then took a bad turn in the afterlife as a Wrathful God.

A couple advances we should take from the Elohim are harnessing nuclear power with more stable compounds to help our energy problems on Earth & understanding that we are part of a larger “body” in which planets are just “atoms” in a larger being. It’s interesting how time works in relation to mass. What I mean is, in the time is take this larger body to just move their arm, we’ve experienced thousands and thousands of years. Also, it was discovered that smaller intelligent entities live on the atoms (“planets”) of our world – and they ask similar questions about their existence.

This is something ancient Buddhists and Taoists were speculating on anyway – probably seeing it for themselves in visions. But, the Elohim finally found a similar idea about the nature of the universe. They never really saw how many dimensions are converging in this 3-dimensional space all the time – and our lense is just not clean enough to see it – for life is just a serotonin hallucination. Science is not inherently good or evil – so humans can learn a thing or two from their race but I caution you to not help them come and land here because they are not welcome for the time being.

Is Vajrasattva alive on earth? How does one ally himself with the right Gods?

Some Gods claim that simply by saying their name or thinking of them they’ll be there to help you. Alters are always good if kept clean and respected. Some offer fresh fruit and incense to the alter. The most important aspect of worship is your intent and respect. The vibrations of your love and respect are more important than taking all your money out of the bank and putting it on the alter.

So where is Jesus now? In the end there is no Good or Bad, but it does make things easier. We just perceive it.

Jesus is a God in a higher dimension but can see us easily. It’s harder for beings of a lower dimension to see beings of the higher ones. As far as the end to Good and Bad? There is possibility for all evil to be eradicated from humans if we keep making quantum leaps in evolution like this. There are beings on planets all over the cosmos and maybe we can come and help them someday as a united force. One thing we won’t be doing is using nukes on them like the Elohim did.

Yes, as you said, good and bad are just in the eye of the beholder. But, it seems that the evil that pervades humans is a result of ignorance and self-cherishing as opposed to cherishing others – which is where the real healing and evolution takes place.

Have you ever thought about the movies, the violence, the cartoons, they are all preparing us for what is to come? E.T. X-men etc I think these shows are here to prepare us so it won't be such a huge shock when things like this start to happen?

Yea, it will be much less of a shock for us now to see other-worldy intelligences. However, I still think we need more conditioning – I mean to become aware of the few we may encounter around this solar system and not be too shocked when we see them. They won’t all look like the muppet aliens in Star Wars. For instance, two human military guards dropped dead from a heart attack when an alien walked down the hallway in their complex because they weren’t ready for sight. If we could just pass pictures around of the few me may encounter – when I make the gov’t release them – we won’t be caught so off guard. Some are easier for us to look at first because we’re not used to it – The Elohim aren’t that different looking comparatively to humans for obvious DNA reasons. Some, however, may have several tentacles and a visage that might make you sick if you’re not ready for it. That’s what the Gods tell me of the particular alien the guards dropped from.
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