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Heaven is coming to Earth, (long, so dont click on)

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This is a wonderful day for humanity. First of all - for all of you wondering how I got into power - and gained control of the US gov’t it started like this:

I was under surveillance by the FBI for some time. They were interested in my purchases all over the net for hydroponic equip, DMT containing botanicals and whatever – even research chemicals like 2C-I and DXM. I was at a point in my life where I just didn’t give a fuck. The mercury from my 9 silver amalgams in my teeth had taken their toll over 15 years – I was not eating a very balanced diet, and I erroneously thought that, since I didn’t have a police record, why the heck would the cops ever target me? Well, Big Brother (whom I now call Little Nephew) has ways of being alerted when key words are used over the net and key purchases. Also, there are still dark forces within the broken machine known as the American gov’t - - so for all of you that registered and purchased guns in the US, you’ll be the first targets if they ever want to backlash. (So, think about changing your identity or moving to an undisclosed location – Canada has good hash and weed for the time you wait it out). This revolution wasn’t really my doing – I just came in for the finishing blow. Everyone was just fed up with the way America was headed and the War on Drugs was ruining so many families with all the seizures and jail times for people who just wanted to grow some harmless plants.

Anyway, not all police are bad (many of them are) and there are some heroes in the FBI too. Just like not all people who use drugs are bad people (some are even vastly more intelligent than school professors). Let me get to the point – as much as the FBI tried to get something on me - it just wasn’t enough. In light of all the other drug dealers and gangsters in the city I live in – I just didn’t seem like a bad guy.

I pay all speeding tickets and taxes (although, it’s time for us to keep our hard-earned money for ourselves and stop giving to the gov’t and fearing them).

Nobody wants Bush in office who has a frontal lobe & we need to make sure any following elections aren’t rigged. Most of you probably already know this – but, now that the elections polls were starting to be taken digitally on a web server, the Bush campaign decided to take down the server and they rigged the results. We need to make sure servers never come down again so punk-ass cheerleader Presidents won’t ever get that much power - getting many people on the planet killed.

I now have decided to relinquish my power to a true God-King who hass been working tirelessly to help our planet and end our ignorance and suffering: that wonderful person is the Dalai Lama. He is an incarnation of the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara. It just made sense to me when I thought of it. Everyone likes the Dalai Lama, you know? I mean, except maybe for some fanatical Christians, born-again Christians, Jews and narrow-minded folks from other religions, freakin everyone likes the Dalai Lama!

I asked him tonight if he would take the position as World Leader. Mainly, for 2 main reasons: (1)Well, frankly because I was white seemed to be able to get the “ear” of these foolish gov’t people, scold them, use magic on them and show them how much they’re fucking the world up with this ignorant and dark empire of America. Also, proving to gov’t that monotheism is a joke by enlightening some of my FBI followers and pointing out all the logical errors in the notion of monotheism. (2) Yes I am a powerful demi-god who has even fought in the Spirit World with Gods when I get pissed off ** and I wouldn’t recommend that. But, let me just tell you this:

Don’t believe everything you hear - even from a God. They toy with us sometimes and you have to clear your mind and have a strong moral base. Otherwise, if you do everything a voice in your head tells you there could be grave consequences. There are ways to evoke Gods – mostly just saying their name will do it – but some can be lying and tell you they’re Jesus or Jehovah when they’re not. The bottom line is, the Dalai Lama is the closest being we have to a God walking on earth and you should really pay your respect and admiration to him. The Archon who started Christianity, named Jehovah, is now a Wrathful God in a Hell realm and I wouldn’t suggest following him even now. He got really mad when I dispelled this world of his dark motives and was killed and, since we are the ultimate judge and the accused at the time of death, he got angry and become a Devil.

Ok, back to how I got the US gov’t to stand down from their investigation. After watching me for a while and flying their riciculously loud helicopters overhead, I began to receive more and more messages from the Gods that they want to move in and make an arrest. The Gods also admonished me not disclose my true identity as originally being Satan. I thought I was more powerful than I really was and that their bullets and bombs couldn’t harm me. Boy, was I wrong. Walking out of the house one day and getting in my car, I kept hearing a voice in my head, “Don’t get in the car Adam, they have a bomb under the car.” I looked down the street and, lo and behold, a conspicuous van with a stupid looking Fed staring right at me - just waiting to watch it explode. I looked under the van and asked if I could get a little help from the Gods on this – disarming explosives isn’t in my bag yet. .

I’m a changed Titan now after losing my Godhood to Vajrasattva in a horrific battle. All I want to do is help the world now and they just wanted to blow up the kids too (who aren’t former Wrathful Deities and didn’t deserve to get killed by these barbarians in the government. Two of my gfs are former angels and two followed me out of hell. They’ll be a great help to this world simply by being within my sphere of influence & the exalted energy field of truth.

Next, the US gov’t couldn’t believe when I knew of their plans to drop a bomb on my house. They didn’t care what innocent people got wiped out by rocking the whole neighborhood with a missile. Mind you this was a president who thought anyone who wasn’t a born-again Christian will burn in hell – and, even after his pastor Billy Graham said this probably wasn’t true, that you “don’t have to necessarily follow Jesus to get to heaven”, Bush still said he believed everyone else who wasn’t born-again & “saved” would go to hell.

Again, the more I thought about it, I realized it would be hard for humans to swallow that Satan is back and will rule Earth. I told you I only want what’s best for humanity now - So, as I was communicating with the Archons tonight, I thought the best candidate for World Leader would be the Dalai Lama. The leader of a new civilization where humans can unite and be ready for any more alien threats. I love you all, people of Earth.

Lastly, since I’m now mortal and need to watch my back, I must say this:

Any fanatics who want to hunt me down & still believe in monotheism hear me out:
If you dare come for me you’ll be ripped apart by white magic and punished severely by our pantheon. If the American gov’t was afraid to launch their missiles at me- and were scared shitless when I took the form of a dragon to stand on top of the White House, I don’t think any of you should consider searching for my whereabouts. But, if you do, so what – you’ll just get what you deserved. I’m here to empower humanity and help our progress. Sometimes, that power and wisdom falls into the hands of former evil Gods – but, in my current state after living in this poisoned West – I can’t help but feel that the God Avalokiteshvara (theDalai Lama) would be a much better World Leader than me
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practice guru yoga everyday day - which is merging the mind with a masters. Hatha yoga as you know is the art of physical postures, dream yoga is great for lucid dreaming and sexual yoga is self-explanatory. All of these are keeping me centered.

Here are some other questions I would like to answer:

First, where did all of this information come to you from?
DMT? Meditation? Dreams? When did it start to happen? Did something trigger it?

I’ve felt a calling towards spiritualism all my life. Peaceful & Wrathful Deities are often reborn in a human form after dying – or sometimes even in hell realms or animal forms – it depends on how you navigate your afterlife. Although Gods can live thousands & thousands of years (who knows maybe indefinitely), they can die if they believe in their mortality. In the Imaginal realm (aka hyperspace or the Spirit Realm) you can feel real pain and be hurt or killed if you believe you can. Belief systems play a major role in heaven realms and hell realms. There could in fact be a Christian paradisiacal realm – but it is not the only heaven.

President Bush feels everyone else will burn in hell if they are not “born again” Christians – that’s ludicrous. Same with the idea that there’s only one god and one devil. As far as a second coming of Jesus – as I mentioned before, Jesus himself he tells me he will need to be reborn as a human and raised from a baby before he can teach us once again – if only to make the masses believe in reincarnation or whatever. As a God he is helping us daily, but entities in a human form are better suited to help everyone else because we have that “spur in our side” as the Buddhists say – we see and feel the suffering all around us & the Gods can be anaesthetized to our pain sometimes. Jesus was working with the leader of the alien Elohim race named Yahweh & thought he was doing what’s best. We ended up getting set back to “caveman” times many times by these alien humanoids with superior technology.

So, Elohim was the name the people of Israel gave to their false Gods

It was the name these aliens gave themselves and Yahweh is the name their leader. Well, he’s just a cloned replica of the original Yahweh. They think consciousness is transferred to the new bodies they make for themselves – who knows, maybe they can – but I think souls are shuffled around it would be very difficult to take the body of the last humanoid form you inhabited.

Isn't Elohim, the God of Israel? or is Elohim more than just a God? or A race of Gods perhaps? What about Eloah? Elohim = Jehovah?

Elohim is the plural of Eloha. It means “from the sky” and humans mistook them for gods. They don’t call themselves Elohim back on their home planet – they say it’s something like “man” and “woman” in their language which sounds a lot like ancient Hebrew. Archons (“Gods”) seem to have evolved from the human seeds planted by the Elohim – for we had a good start, Adam and Eve lived to be about 600 years old from the Elohim’s advanced genetics and their toying with nature. Anyway, Jehovah was a God here at the time (could have even came from another planet) was a pretty twisted one who convinced many humans that he was the only God to get more power and worship.

That was the beginning of Jehovah's long downfall. He is now a Devil in a hell realm and not very happy with me for spilling the beans. Who cares - he gets the middle finger from me for being such a nutcase and pissing off many other Gods. It was also the work of many white missionaries to force this monotheistic religion on people. So, maybe it was a mixture of some whites getting guns in their hands first to push the word of this power-hungry Archon – as well as Jehovah being an unholy God from the start. (look where it's gotten us - a pres that mixes church & state & we're dropping bombs on ourselves instead of getting our nukes in space to protect from alien threats.

How evolved of a race are we, compared to other races out there?

We’ve out-evolved our creator race & many have become denizens of a higher dimension than just these 3-dimensions we experience in our daily lives. Anytime you have visions in your 3rd eye or do some astral traveling outside of your body you’re dabbling in the 4th dimension. Eventually you can live in the hyperspace full-time and see past, present and future all at once and travel unfettered by these corporeal bodies – all over the multiverse. The Elohim’s DNA project here on Earth created us to have a larger mental capacity than they had - that’s what made them nervous and they committed cruel acts on us frequently.

Who is the one Elohim, that you have allianced with?

His name is Jarwar & chooses to follow us in this neck of the galaxy because we’re now superior to those science-obsessed fools who play around with souls and karma without any regard for the consequences.

How do you intend to be successful? Chrisitians are warned about you.
I think many would reject you, being narrow minded.

It’s understandable that many would be wary of me because of my past. I was actually an Elohim scientist to begin with and never felt comfortable with the whole DNA project. I then passed away and somehow become a Wrathful Deity who toyed with humanity. As Elohim, I never agreed with playing around with life and pretending to be gods to the humans in the bible times (forcing humans to serve fruit and using lasers and atomic weapons on them never felt right – just like my old girlfriend on Earth in this lifetime never like the idea of testing commercial products on animals. I’m here to show the world how one’s karma can be cleansed by allying oneself with the right Gods, like Vajrasattva (meaning Lightning Master) from Tibet and now, although I am still on a type of “house arrest” I have power to help humanity and want to use it for good. Everyone wants to be free of suffering and I’m on my way back up from the hells I created for myself and others.

When will this all take place? I have been getting precognitions of something terrible to happen soon. Around 6-8 years is my guesstimate.

The terrible events that you may be getting glimpses of are (1) a tidal wave that may cleanse the East Coast in several years (many Native American prophets have talked of this – I saw it on the Discovery Channel once) & (2) of the plan of the US gov’t to set off a suitcase-sized nuclear weapon in the city of Chicago to cover up their evil deeds in this century in which the evidence is buried under some buildings there. They will use it as an excuse to start WW3.

We must all unite as a race. No more wars, just peace.

I’m with you on that notion my friend. I brought up that coming of Jesus because I also was reborn as a child and was taught by wonderful humans and angels (and now Gods) about the power of love and how it is boundless and more powerful than hate ever will be.

What about all the people that do not know this? I don't think many people see reality for what it is. How does one find if it is his place to share what one knows?

I’m trying to let as many people know about this complete turn-around from a Wrathful Deity to a Peaceful God (not yet, but I’m almost there) without getting myself killed by fanatical Jews and Christians. But, if I have to die to get the point across that’s fine with me. Many people in the modern world are becoming despondent because the notions of monotheism and an omnipotent God are just not working out logically. Our global community is seeing many people who are evolved and happy who have nothing to do with Christianity – and are starting to think “why is my religion telling me you have to follow only Jesus’ teachings or burn in hell?” What are Siddhartha, Gandhi and many other people gaining such a following and finding such peace & equanimity in their llives?
Just say no to hallucinogenic drugs. LOL
BrothaBill said:
...these 3-dimensions we experience in our daily lives.


I'm gonna laugh when you get old, have three inch glasses, a hearing aid and a non-functioning bladder. Time's totally gonna be, like, "Yeah, who's not a dimension NOW, you decrepid old bastard? That's what you get for not believing in my dimensional validity".

Brothabill pwned by father time

samoth said:

I'm gonna laugh when you get old, have three inch glasses, a hearing aid and a non-functioning bladder. Time's totally gonna be, like, "Yeah, who's not a dimension NOW, you decrepid old bastard? That's what you get for not believing in my dimensional validity".

Brothabill pwned by father time

There IS a cure for AIDS and Cancer – those diseases can be cured by a machine created earlier in this century by a man named Dr. Royal Rife. It works by using square-headed sound waves to destroy diseased cancerous cells and the AIDS retrovirus (without wiping out everything else in it’s way like chemo or the “cocktail” for AIDS). In fact, it can cure many STD’s and chronic fatigue syndrome from an overgrowth of candida albicans also – there’s a whole list of diseases you can set the frequencies to with this machine.

Unfortunately, the US government burned this man’s laboratory and threatened all the doctors associated with him. The medical industry makes up for about a 3rd of the US economy and they thought it would crash. Little Nephew thought that having healthy Americans that were cancer free and AIDS free wouldn’t be good for us.

For any oncologists that want to keep their job – they simply need to buy the Rife Machine on the Net and charge for the service of administering it. Those that are worried about their income tapering because your patients are actually getting better now, I’ll make sure you’re compensated by the government for your heroic deeds. As some western doctors like to joke about – “there are more people living off of cancer than are dying from it” - well, that’s not really funny to me in light of this government cover-up. I hope you guys help me spread this knowledge about the cure and the conspiracy to cover it up.

Next in line for amazing inventions are cars that run on water ** that’s right, simply adding H20 ** created several years ago by an 18-year old “metalhead” from California. What did the US government do? They jailed him and ruined his life for a long time - simply because he cared about making life better for humans and helping us evolve.

Last, but not least, the US government has burned orphanages **with kids in them** because they didn’t want to fork over money. Check and for all of this information.

We’ve seen from the examples up above that the government has plenty of money from holding their grip on finite fossil fuels – and the rest of us humans are left with very little. There’s simply no excuse for killing kids and halting human’s technological evolution to get money in the hands of a few. Look where it got us – the gov’t was making deals with aliens who were MORE evolved – deals where humans were harvested - so the gov’t officials could keep their pitiful lives if they remained silent. They should’ve “sounded the alarms” so we could fight as a united front. According to the John Lear report, the deal went awry when the aliens began taking 100-times more humans than the US government agreed on.
BrothaBill said:
There IS a cure for AIDS and Cancer – those diseases can be cured by a machine created earlier in this century by a man named Dr. Royal Rife. It works by using square-headed sound waves to destroy diseased cancerous cells and the AIDS retrovirus (without wiping out everything else in it’s way like chemo or the “cocktail” for AIDS). In fact, it can cure many STD’s and chronic fatigue syndrome from an overgrowth of candida albicans also – there’s a whole list of diseases you can set the frequencies to with this machine.

Unfortunately, the US government burned this man’s laboratory and threatened all the doctors associated with him. The medical industry makes up for about a 3rd of the US economy and they thought it would crash. Little Nephew thought that having healthy Americans that were cancer free and AIDS free wouldn’t be good for us.

For any oncologists that want to keep their job – they simply need to buy the Rife Machine on the Net and charge for the service of administering it. Those that are worried about their income tapering because your patients are actually getting better now, I’ll make sure you’re compensated by the government for your heroic deeds. As some western doctors like to joke about – “there are more people living off of cancer than are dying from it” - well, that’s not really funny to me in light of this government cover-up. I hope you guys help me spread this knowledge about the cure and the conspiracy to cover it up.

Next in line for amazing inventions are cars that run on water ** that’s right, simply adding H20 ** created several years ago by an 18-year old “metalhead” from California. What did the US government do? They jailed him and ruined his life for a long time - simply because he cared about making life better for humans and helping us evolve.

Last, but not least, the US government has burned orphanages **with kids in them** because they didn’t want to fork over money. Check and for all of this information.

We’ve seen from the examples up above that the government has plenty of money from holding their grip on finite fossil fuels – and the rest of us humans are left with very little. There’s simply no excuse for killing kids and halting human’s technological evolution to get money in the hands of a few. Look where it got us – the gov’t was making deals with aliens who were MORE evolved – deals where humans were harvested - so the gov’t officials could keep their pitiful lives if they remained silent. They should’ve “sounded the alarms” so we could fight as a united front. According to the John Lear report, the deal went awry when the aliens began taking 100-times more humans than the US government agreed on.

????????????????????? :nerd: :idea:
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