wow i wonder what it was that made her hate u and completely turned off by u.healother said:EDIT: This was supposed to go in BTS, but I accidently posted it in C+C. There is a non BTS version I purposely posted in C+C, so thats why there are 2 threads in C+C now. Mods can move this thread to BTS if they want.
So I hung out with the facebook girl again for my 2nd time. The first time we just cuddled a tiny bit and watched movies, this time things got a bit more heated up
For those wondering, she’s 18, and about 5’2 and 110 lbs. And she has D sized tits, possibly bigger, and real believe it or not. Here is her picture:
So this time I went over there and we popped a movie in. We lay down on the bed together and spooned as we watched the move together. First time spooning with a girl, yes I got hard, and yes it felt great! But what was even better was that my hands were in front and she let me touch her boobs, first by putting my hand on her shirt and then putting them underneath her shirt, and I got to massage them! She has an amazing pair of real, round, D sized breasts! She took off her bra, but left her shirt on, to make it easier. I massaged them a lot while the movie was on, lol.
So the movie ended, and I started feeling her up more, we were massaging each other, feeling each other’s chests, backs, stomachs, etc, but she wouldn’t let me touch much below the belt, she’d pull my hand away. She thought I wasn’t ready for stuff (she knows I wanted to go slowly) and didn’t see the point in having me touch her there. She just touched my stomach too but didn’t go any lower.
But then later she was listening to my heart beat and trying to make it beat faster, so she would put her hand on my lower stomach and massage the area. I said “oh that feels good, go lower!” she said “are you sure?” I said yes just a little lower, so she moved her hand down about a centimeter. And then a little lower, and I told her more because it felt so good, and finally she was rubbing my shaved pubes, and eventually the top of my dick. I was moaning with pleasure by this point. She told me to take my pants off, so I did, and she started massaging my dick, jerking it, and massing my balls at the same time. I told her to get some lotion to reduce the friction, so she did. It felt amazing. A few minutes later though, I was hard but I still wasn’t anywhere near cumming because her technique wasn’t that good, and she stopped and said “wow this feels so middle school, I cant do this its too middle schoolish” She knew I wasn’t ready for her to give me oral yet, so she just asked me to put my pants back on and I did.
So then we started snuggling again and I tried to go in for a kiss but she kept on moving her head to the side because she didnt want to kiss me, she said something about it being my first kissing a girl and that would have been weird for her. But also it was the first kiss for her since she broke up with her ex.
So she wouldn’t makeout.
So then, I suggested the idea of spooning in our underwear together, but she wouldn’t go for that either, because she said she was too tired to take off her clothes, plus she didnt see the point in spooning in underwear. So we just continued groping each other, and I worked my way into is so she was cool enough for me to rub over her pussy on her pants. I was rubbing back and forth a bunch and her breathing got heavier, but whenever I tried to go inside her pants, she'd laugh and pull my hand away. And I would rub her butt too, but if I tried to go in her pants to her but, she'd laughed and pull my hand away again
Later I was just asking her to take off her shirt so that I could see her boobs (before I just felt them) but she didn’t want to, because she thought it was weird to take off her shirt just to show me, and she was tired. I asked, and begged a bunch for her to take it off, but she wouldn’t do anything.
So finally at about 6am after more aggressive cuddling, I left because it was late, and then my parents were like "huh, you stayed up all night?" when i came home. So yeah that was weird.
So yeah, I was pissed a little because I gave her my dick basically and she wouldn’t even take off her clothes. I was hoping for a little more action, the first time my dick was touched, but whatever, too late now.
btw, u are an alter i think