Dear, I don't throw that term around lightly because I know there are plenty of people who are deeply, deeply insulted when you say it.
Think about it for a second, Wulf, sex serves two biological purposes, first and foremost it is for procreation of the species, secondly it bonds us to our mates. If the act of sex provoked negative physiological responses we wouldn't be around to talk about it now, our species would have died out from the get go. Fucking, screwing, humping, making love, call it what you will, sex is supposed to feel good while you're doing it and leave you feeling good, a pleasant
afterglow let's say, when you're done. You're supposed to feel so good you wanna do it again, seriously.
I mean, I can vaguely relate to you in that I actually DO have a phobia, sort of, actually it's like an automatic "retch" reflex, it involves saliva (mucus in general, cum, boogers, okra) specifically seeing anything that has the consistency of saliva (I truly find spitting utterly revolting), but
I'M not gagged out with sex, I enjoy giving and receiving oral sex and I love kissing my husband (as long as he's recently brushed his teeth) ... I mean, considering most of the fluids involved in sex have the consistency of saliva if anyone was going to be yarked out with sex and bodily fluids, it would be me.
And I really love the way my husband smells au natural, freshly showered or slightly sweaty, it makes no difference to me, I truly adore the way every part of his body smells.
I worry about you Wulf, I really do

and I'm sad for you.