seems to be a lot of posts with guys confused about what half lives are and what they mean/do.
let me try to explain... its almost like a pyramid scheme.
just cause something has a 2 week half life like with cyp doesn't mean you take it and peak levels get reached after 2 weeks, nor does it mean that after you inject it then 2 weeks its gone from your system.
this is where guys get confused
using cyp as an example, it takes 5 weeks or so to reach peak levels, and it takes 5 weeks or so for the cyp to leave your system where only traces are leftover (this is why guys claim they are still gaining in pct when they are actually STILL ON, and why some guys come off for 4 weeks, declare themselves recovered and start a new cycle, ummm no you are not recovered, you still have traces left and you are still feeling the effects so you are still on)
when you run it 6 weeks you are just wasting your juice and half assing the cycle. hope that makes sense.
can u run it 6 weeks and get good results? yes you can, but its just not the most optimum way to run it and a waste of juice, and yes you will get suppressed so why half ass your cycle?
when you see half life from the time of your particular injection that many mg's will be spread out over 2 weeks, and after 2 weeks half of what you injected will be left of that particular injection. so if you inject 2X per week then THINK about it... you are gonna build up the steroid in the body with each injection and then after a certain amount of weeks reach peak levels.. then once you are done with the cycle it will slowly taper back off on its own from the prior injection after 2 weeks half will be left, then 2 weeks later half will be left again.. but since you also injected prior to that there will be juice left from that too. think of it as a pyramid scheme when its being built up in the body or like a bunch of rats trying to get through a hole one by one until they are all gone. each rat represents a mg of juice leaving the body. it won't happen all in one shot, it will happen gradually
you should start kickstarting your pct with some hcg/hmg/hcgenerate (even better run hcgenerate in the 2nd half of the cycle to keep your nuts plump then kickstart with HCG) while the rats are fleeing through the hole, and then once the rats are almost gone you should start PCT so that when the rats are all gone you won't be left feeling like shit and your own body will be starting to function on its own
another thing i hear from guys is the old 300mg clomid for the first day thing, then doing 100mg and then 50mg. this is silly. you will not reach peak levels by doing this, you will just get a rush to start plus sides, and it will drop away the same way regardless. you cannot cut corners. same for AAS. starting off with 1000mg cyp and then dropping it down to 500mg after a couple weeks isn't gonna stabilize blood levels.. if you let the AAS stabilize itself and reach peak levels itself that is much more practical. so just do 500mg or whatever and stick to it. and if you want to kickstart a cycle run some beastdrol or dbol as a kickstart, both have very short esters and reach peak levels within a handful of days or a week.
hope that made sense, comments? concerns? fire away
let me try to explain... its almost like a pyramid scheme.
just cause something has a 2 week half life like with cyp doesn't mean you take it and peak levels get reached after 2 weeks, nor does it mean that after you inject it then 2 weeks its gone from your system.
this is where guys get confused
using cyp as an example, it takes 5 weeks or so to reach peak levels, and it takes 5 weeks or so for the cyp to leave your system where only traces are leftover (this is why guys claim they are still gaining in pct when they are actually STILL ON, and why some guys come off for 4 weeks, declare themselves recovered and start a new cycle, ummm no you are not recovered, you still have traces left and you are still feeling the effects so you are still on)
when you run it 6 weeks you are just wasting your juice and half assing the cycle. hope that makes sense.
can u run it 6 weeks and get good results? yes you can, but its just not the most optimum way to run it and a waste of juice, and yes you will get suppressed so why half ass your cycle?
when you see half life from the time of your particular injection that many mg's will be spread out over 2 weeks, and after 2 weeks half of what you injected will be left of that particular injection. so if you inject 2X per week then THINK about it... you are gonna build up the steroid in the body with each injection and then after a certain amount of weeks reach peak levels.. then once you are done with the cycle it will slowly taper back off on its own from the prior injection after 2 weeks half will be left, then 2 weeks later half will be left again.. but since you also injected prior to that there will be juice left from that too. think of it as a pyramid scheme when its being built up in the body or like a bunch of rats trying to get through a hole one by one until they are all gone. each rat represents a mg of juice leaving the body. it won't happen all in one shot, it will happen gradually
you should start kickstarting your pct with some hcg/hmg/hcgenerate (even better run hcgenerate in the 2nd half of the cycle to keep your nuts plump then kickstart with HCG) while the rats are fleeing through the hole, and then once the rats are almost gone you should start PCT so that when the rats are all gone you won't be left feeling like shit and your own body will be starting to function on its own
another thing i hear from guys is the old 300mg clomid for the first day thing, then doing 100mg and then 50mg. this is silly. you will not reach peak levels by doing this, you will just get a rush to start plus sides, and it will drop away the same way regardless. you cannot cut corners. same for AAS. starting off with 1000mg cyp and then dropping it down to 500mg after a couple weeks isn't gonna stabilize blood levels.. if you let the AAS stabilize itself and reach peak levels itself that is much more practical. so just do 500mg or whatever and stick to it. and if you want to kickstart a cycle run some beastdrol or dbol as a kickstart, both have very short esters and reach peak levels within a handful of days or a week.
hope that made sense, comments? concerns? fire away
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