6 weeks ago I maxed out at 345lbs and it was shaky, and it took me 2 secs to lockout. Now the 335lbs I did 2 days ago I locked out in 1.3 secs. That tells me my power output is way up
Man it's not my style to scream and shout - epsecially not in a commercial gym
But I'm not meant to maxout till 2 weeks from now, and then I'll do the squats by itself, the hangcleans tired me out a bit. I'll be going for 375 then though
Colin, I have a personal request...would you mind taking some footage of you directly from the side next time? I'm trying to model my squat style after yours, and that's the easiest angle from which I can observe my form.
So close man... I thought you almost had it.....
Every time i see one of your squat videos I get so damn envious of your knees...Hope my knees come around so i can squat again one day...
Colin, I have a personal request...would you mind taking some footage of you directly from the side next time? I'm trying to model my squat style after yours, and that's the easiest angle from which I can observe my form.