yeah it was a shitty deal. every one was telling me that it wouldnt go far but i dont know how these things work. my lawyer wasnt helpful with the worries. all he would tell me is it could go either way. to the missing info comments, there is no missing info. it was that simple. i went onto non posted property stopped in the middle of the road where their dumpsters and trash piles where took some metal and left. they got my tags and the cops came knocking.
so now i am a little worried about this "stet" status. aparently wheather i violate a law or not even a simple traffic sitation could get me back in the same boat of being arrested again and facing these charges. im trying to find out if i leave the state for the year if it will prevent this problem. the way things are going here im ready to leave the country. if it where only that simple with the kids.
yes its devinately time to get back on track and see how quick i can put this 30lbs back on. being off was a bitch and i didnt come close to recovering in that month. for a while i was losing 2lbs per day still eating 5000 cals. going from 3g of test and tren to nothing overnight was not a fun experience. 2000iu of hcg at a time didnt even take the pain away from my nuts. lol