Show Muscles Workout After a GREAT Refeed Sunday - Weigh In Results
Sundaay, Sundaaay, Sundaaaay!!!!
What a GREAT and nasty refeed. I needed the energy, my body was bogging down and I need to rev the engine again with some fuel. AND THAT I DID.
I had everything I wanted on Sunday. I started the day with a normal healthy meal to try to curb my appetite a bit, I had baked chicken and veggies and calorie free crystal light. Then the fun began at around 5 PM and lasted til about 12AM. I had Pizza, beer, chocolate, cake, crackers and cream cheese, whatever. And I didn't eat within a fasting window, I had a free day to enjoy myself.
I estimate that I had about 6,000 calories on Sunday.
I should've weighed myself before the refeed but I did the weigh-in on Monday.
I weighed in at 238 lbs! Down from about 252 lbs 3 weeks ago. I feel great and I'm thinking about changing my goal weight for a lower number, but Ima see how things go in the next 2 weeks before deciding.
Anyway, in order to celebrate I switched up the workout for 1 day and did a "show muscles" workout. Tons of arm curls and chest presses of various type.
I just was in the mood to go completely different this day. I'll get back to the regularly scheduled program on Wednesday.
My workout on Monday 10-20-2014 Consisted of.....
The wife and I walked to the closer gym (1 mile)
Barbell Clean and Press
2 sets of 12 - 80 lbs
Barbell Bench Press
2 sets of 12 - 210 lbs
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
3 sets of 10 - 130 lbs total
Barbell Curls
4 set of 10 - 80 lbs - then a strip set til burnout dropping 20 lbs per strip
Hammer Curls
2 sets of 12 - 45 lbs per arm
Cable Crossover (chest)
3 burnout sets - 50 lbs per arm
Weight-Plated Chest Press Machine
5 Strip sets til burnout - Started at 200 lbs and stripped of 40 lbs each time I failed.
Lateral Raises (delts)
3 burnout sets starting at 25 lbs then dropping to 20 lbs
Leg Press
2 sets of 20- 300 lbs
No extra cardio this day....
Walked home 1 mile....
I really enjoyed this workout, it was a good change of pace and I don't directly work my arms much anymore so I enjoyed hittin' some biceps and getting in the mirror a little bit. My wife was staring at me the whole workout, she barely did anything, lol. Good day!
great numbers.. any idea on bf% change?
thats a hell of cheat day lol