In that case, um... I look pretty normal to me.... lol.
Mr. S-
The best advice anyone can givel ya is keeping hitting the weights, keep trying to add more plates and eat like a mother!
You seem to already have the right attitude, so keep at it...
Eating will always be the biggest thing, I have always been a hardgainer type and had abs without trying really....I used to come home from practice, down a mixing bowl (1.5lb) of pasta with meat sauce, follow that up with a full dinner, and then chug a 2000 cal wieghtgain shake, then go out, eat a pizza at my buddies later that night... I remember laying down after eating so as to not throw up all over the place... I think I calculated it out to be somewhere easily in the 6500-8000 calorie range a day, if not more.... this is not a mention of breakfast, which was usually eggs and a huge stack of pancakes, or lunch which was routinely 4 bigmacs (my favorite was the 2 for $2 deal) a large fry and a shake, and numerous snacks through the day.....
I have tapered off my calories big time, since I am not looking to gain so much anymore in such a brief period of time (though I have been reconsidering lately), but I can tell you eating was and will always be the key to adding mass... I won't even go into the disgusting training table stories during college....