Stats are
Male, 24 ,5,6", 148lb. (67.2kg) bf 20%
The body fat part is surprising to me but it was done on a bone density scanner so I'll go with it. I have good muscular genetics so it doesn't take much to show results. I have done all the "natural" supplements and pro hormones for years, started messing around too young so now I have been on TrT for about a year at 200mg/wk and now I hate to say "why not", but why not run a real cycle. My diet is pretty close but I can always take advice. It's this last fu**ing layer that stays even at 1500 cal/day,40 min cardio, 40 min lifting.
The goal is to cut up, I don't want to get too much bigger but wouldn't mind a little, initially to the point of having my abs show slightly without flexing.
I need to know what to expect, what not to expect, what to concentrate on and if it is even worth it.
Cycle will be tren ace 50eod until I get a baseline of my sides then bump it to either 75 or 100, I don't know if I want to keep running my test P or the test suspension I got so I can use advice there too.
Thank Yal in advance.
Stats are
Male, 24 ,5,6", 148lb. (67.2kg) bf 20%
The body fat part is surprising to me but it was done on a bone density scanner so I'll go with it. I have good muscular genetics so it doesn't take much to show results. I have done all the "natural" supplements and pro hormones for years, started messing around too young so now I have been on TrT for about a year at 200mg/wk and now I hate to say "why not", but why not run a real cycle. My diet is pretty close but I can always take advice. It's this last fu**ing layer that stays even at 1500 cal/day,40 min cardio, 40 min lifting.
The goal is to cut up, I don't want to get too much bigger but wouldn't mind a little, initially to the point of having my abs show slightly without flexing.
I need to know what to expect, what not to expect, what to concentrate on and if it is even worth it.
Cycle will be tren ace 50eod until I get a baseline of my sides then bump it to either 75 or 100, I don't know if I want to keep running my test P or the test suspension I got so I can use advice there too.
Thank Yal in advance.