milo hobgoblin
New member
LOL .. you CANNOT ask women these questions.. what they say and what they actually want are DIAMETRICALLY opposed.
They will never admit what actually works.. the ones who realize it are too embarrassed to say it out loud much less EVER admit it to a man.
There is SOOO much truth to assholes getting laid mroe often.. women want some emotionally charged, self confident prick.. they want an alpha male.. even for an evening.. even though it goes against their best instincts..
they are attracted to menm who will fuck their best friend behind their back.. lie to them and make them feel good about it.. the want men with "game" even though its totally fake.
For a long term relationship.. women in their 30's FINALLY start realizing that this is a formula for disaster and start figuring it out.. but as far as one night stands and 'fucks" they never change
They will never admit what actually works.. the ones who realize it are too embarrassed to say it out loud much less EVER admit it to a man.
There is SOOO much truth to assholes getting laid mroe often.. women want some emotionally charged, self confident prick.. they want an alpha male.. even for an evening.. even though it goes against their best instincts..
they are attracted to menm who will fuck their best friend behind their back.. lie to them and make them feel good about it.. the want men with "game" even though its totally fake.
For a long term relationship.. women in their 30's FINALLY start realizing that this is a formula for disaster and start figuring it out.. but as far as one night stands and 'fucks" they never change