Big Rick Rock
I haven't read all of the thread but....
"Closing the deal" on a chick you met at the club can be tought for a couple of reasons.
1) Selection, selection, selection.... You see faces, tits and ass but you don't see minds or hearts. The most gorgeous girl can be a slut that will bang you after she has a had few drinks OR... she can be a girl looking for a good partner (long term), she will not be going home with ANYBODY tonight. A so-so looking chick can have a huge complex and be starving for attention, she will take you home and want to make YOU happy, as long as she can feel wanted by you… There are hundreds of possible scenerios. You just never know who you are talking to, and it is very rare that a "nice" girl will bang a random guy at a club(maybe if she is heart broken enough)... it does happen but not too often SO… more than 70% of your chances of getting laid that night depend on who you select as the person you want to go after that night…
2) Let’s say you were lucky enough to target a girl that “would” sleep with you tonight… she might be the "right girl" girl but not the "right now girl"… Yes, she might be cute, nice, and loose. She may want to bang you. But…. she may not want to sleep with you tonight. Maybe she doesn’t trust being alone with you yet. Maybe her friend flow is in town. Maybe she is out with her Christian cousin whom is visiting from Kentucky, and although she wants nothing more than to bang your brains out, she does not want her cousins telling all her family about how she went home with a guy she just met…. There are many variable so please don’t disregard numbers. Keep them, and follow up on them, every number you have is a hot contact. I guarantee you’ll have more success smoothing her over the phone or at lunch than you will at a night club.
3) Let’s say god smiled upon you today and you have selected to talk to a “right now girl”…. She may very well be willing to bang you tonight, but she also wants to be romanced and in most cases get a second look at you in some decent lighting. You just have to have a secondary spot to go to with a chick as soon as you leave the club… In some cases you will lose her interest if you suggest “lets go to my place”… She does not know you, or know how many chopped up heads you have in your fridge… If you take her to another place after the club, like the beach, or a lake, or an after hours bar your chances to romance her will improve. Here in NY there are some great 24hr restaurants, that is all good as long as she doesn’t completely stuff her face and fee like she doesn’t want to have sex afterwards… kind of like eating and swimming, you have to wait a good while.
4) OK… So… you picked a “right now girl” and you are now at LZ Bravo (secondary position) you are alone and you have her interest, you are making her laugh and you have already kissed her at the club so you know you are in there… Don’t ask her to have sex with you… Although women like to hear how much you want them, I guarantee they will appreciate it more if you make them want YOU. Kiss her the right way, hold her the right way. Don’t just try to steal home!! Hit a home run and trot around all the bases slowly and calmly touching each one as you head home. Take your time and savor the moment. There is no better feeling than the anticipation of knowing you are about to have sex with this girl… savor it, take it slow. Try to avoid all of the awkward moments like trying to get the braw off, or unbuttoning her pants. Learn how to unclip a braw with one hand (I learned in 9th grade) learn how to undo a button with one hand while not looking (a little harder but doable)… Take it slow, make it good for her, romance her and make it memorable. This is the fork on the road, you can either have a on night stand(and unsatisfied female that will tell everybody you sucked in bed) or a fuck buddy that will provide many hours of entertainment in the weeks to come.
PS on #4: if you are going to put your hand down her pants and double click her mouse… make sure to have the decency to wash your hands first. Have some bottled water in the car and a little bottle of soap. Or use a wet nap to clean you hads. There is no reason to touch a girl’s private area after having touched door knobs, phones, car steering wheel and even handled money all night… Have some respect for her health goshdarnit!
5) Some times you might pick the “right now girl” and you have successfully transferred her to LZ Bravo (secondary position). And you might already have her pants down to her ankles while your peepee is out and she is stroking it… something fucked up might happen that will ruin your score: Her period rains on your parade. She changes her mind and doesn’t want to do it. Her mom called her cellphone and granny is in the Emergency room. A fucking earthquake! A comet just hit earth!!! What ever it may be…. You will not be getting any tonight! Yes your dick is hard, and you are suffering since you thought you were getting some and didn’t…. Take it like a man, don’t get mad, don’t show her you are upset. Keep your cool, say “it’s ok babe, I understand. I really hope we can see each other again” get her number, make sure to follow up and see if conditions improve. Some times have to have the will power to pull up your zipper(careful you don’t decapitate your erect penis!). This can turn a tonight-strikeout into a next week-score.
Everything I have posted are my own conclusions, I don’t pretend to be a Playa. I’m just posting this for entertainment purposes.
"Closing the deal" on a chick you met at the club can be tought for a couple of reasons.
1) Selection, selection, selection.... You see faces, tits and ass but you don't see minds or hearts. The most gorgeous girl can be a slut that will bang you after she has a had few drinks OR... she can be a girl looking for a good partner (long term), she will not be going home with ANYBODY tonight. A so-so looking chick can have a huge complex and be starving for attention, she will take you home and want to make YOU happy, as long as she can feel wanted by you… There are hundreds of possible scenerios. You just never know who you are talking to, and it is very rare that a "nice" girl will bang a random guy at a club(maybe if she is heart broken enough)... it does happen but not too often SO… more than 70% of your chances of getting laid that night depend on who you select as the person you want to go after that night…
2) Let’s say you were lucky enough to target a girl that “would” sleep with you tonight… she might be the "right girl" girl but not the "right now girl"… Yes, she might be cute, nice, and loose. She may want to bang you. But…. she may not want to sleep with you tonight. Maybe she doesn’t trust being alone with you yet. Maybe her friend flow is in town. Maybe she is out with her Christian cousin whom is visiting from Kentucky, and although she wants nothing more than to bang your brains out, she does not want her cousins telling all her family about how she went home with a guy she just met…. There are many variable so please don’t disregard numbers. Keep them, and follow up on them, every number you have is a hot contact. I guarantee you’ll have more success smoothing her over the phone or at lunch than you will at a night club.
3) Let’s say god smiled upon you today and you have selected to talk to a “right now girl”…. She may very well be willing to bang you tonight, but she also wants to be romanced and in most cases get a second look at you in some decent lighting. You just have to have a secondary spot to go to with a chick as soon as you leave the club… In some cases you will lose her interest if you suggest “lets go to my place”… She does not know you, or know how many chopped up heads you have in your fridge… If you take her to another place after the club, like the beach, or a lake, or an after hours bar your chances to romance her will improve. Here in NY there are some great 24hr restaurants, that is all good as long as she doesn’t completely stuff her face and fee like she doesn’t want to have sex afterwards… kind of like eating and swimming, you have to wait a good while.
4) OK… So… you picked a “right now girl” and you are now at LZ Bravo (secondary position) you are alone and you have her interest, you are making her laugh and you have already kissed her at the club so you know you are in there… Don’t ask her to have sex with you… Although women like to hear how much you want them, I guarantee they will appreciate it more if you make them want YOU. Kiss her the right way, hold her the right way. Don’t just try to steal home!! Hit a home run and trot around all the bases slowly and calmly touching each one as you head home. Take your time and savor the moment. There is no better feeling than the anticipation of knowing you are about to have sex with this girl… savor it, take it slow. Try to avoid all of the awkward moments like trying to get the braw off, or unbuttoning her pants. Learn how to unclip a braw with one hand (I learned in 9th grade) learn how to undo a button with one hand while not looking (a little harder but doable)… Take it slow, make it good for her, romance her and make it memorable. This is the fork on the road, you can either have a on night stand(and unsatisfied female that will tell everybody you sucked in bed) or a fuck buddy that will provide many hours of entertainment in the weeks to come.
PS on #4: if you are going to put your hand down her pants and double click her mouse… make sure to have the decency to wash your hands first. Have some bottled water in the car and a little bottle of soap. Or use a wet nap to clean you hads. There is no reason to touch a girl’s private area after having touched door knobs, phones, car steering wheel and even handled money all night… Have some respect for her health goshdarnit!
5) Some times you might pick the “right now girl” and you have successfully transferred her to LZ Bravo (secondary position). And you might already have her pants down to her ankles while your peepee is out and she is stroking it… something fucked up might happen that will ruin your score: Her period rains on your parade. She changes her mind and doesn’t want to do it. Her mom called her cellphone and granny is in the Emergency room. A fucking earthquake! A comet just hit earth!!! What ever it may be…. You will not be getting any tonight! Yes your dick is hard, and you are suffering since you thought you were getting some and didn’t…. Take it like a man, don’t get mad, don’t show her you are upset. Keep your cool, say “it’s ok babe, I understand. I really hope we can see each other again” get her number, make sure to follow up and see if conditions improve. Some times have to have the will power to pull up your zipper(careful you don’t decapitate your erect penis!). This can turn a tonight-strikeout into a next week-score.
Everything I have posted are my own conclusions, I don’t pretend to be a Playa. I’m just posting this for entertainment purposes.