Are you picking on me or wot?!?! I see where you are comming from with your points, but you are all missing the major training method here. GVT is a method used to SHOCK you into new growth. It is used for short periods of time and when used this way (i have to pay testiment to it - it really does work) it can really spark new growth. I did mention not to go over 6 weeks on this routine. Saying this is "too much" or overtraining does not make sense in this case. This routine is based upon volume, and lots of it. It works by working at a higher volume than you usually do (alot more in some cases) and completly shocking things up and taking you out of the comfort zone. Which lets face it, alot of us fall into from time to time.
The routine is 3 times a week, so you are resting 4 days. If you think this is too much, dont do the routine. I wont loose any sleep over it, just trying to help people out, when i saw a GVT thread i thought id chip in - iv used it to kick myself up the arse time and time again over the years.
Its a radical routine which will hit you in a way your 5 day traditional split wont. If you want to try German Volume Training, and i would recommend it to anyone whos at a platau or in a rut....try this routine for 4-6 weeks. Its always worked wonders for me anyway.