Getting ripped isn't for everybody-especially guys that base a lot of their self worth on the amount of weight they throw around in the gym. Imagine being able to bench press 405 for 10 reps then dieting for a show and barely being able to get 315 for 8 reps a few months later. That's what happens to me going from off season-to contest shape. It's a mind fuck, but I just consider it a trade off for vascularity and definition. The worst part is the midpoint where you've lost strength, but aren't that shredded. Once you get past that point it's not so bad. If you think about it, strength really doesn't matter much. From a BB perspective it's better to appear strong and be weak than be strong and appear to be fat/less muscular. If you workout to get attention from chicks, strength is even less importatnt. When's the last time you heard a girl say that she only dates guys that bench press 350+??? Most girl's will be attracted to a skinny guy with abs as opposed to a guy that doesn't have abs but can bench press a house. Strength impresses guys-not girls. So unless you're a cage fighter, strong man competitor, etc, being strong really serves no useful purpose other than impressing yourself and/or dudes in the gym. Personally, if given the choice I'd rather impress chicks-but then again I don't have issues with my masculinity either. Besides, muscle has memory-you can always pig out and get your strength back in time. Not everyone is mentally strong enough to deal with this-which is why a lot of big guys never compete in BB.
If I'm not dieting, I'll eat still eat junk. I just make sure that I get my quality calories in first so I'm not replacing them with junk. For instance, if it's 7PM and I've already consumed 250 grams of protien that day, I'll feel no guilt for eating a couple BK Whoppers. However, eating BK Whoppers for lunch after only consuming 100 grams of protien that day, it's more difficult to choke down a couple chicken breasts, a can of tuna, and a dozen egg whites throughout the rest of the day. I still avoid shit calories completely-french fries, chips, sugar-soda, etc