LOL. My friend's girlfriend used to go all out with the flaxseeds. Muffins, cookies, bars... I think she made chicken parm once with it too. LOL. Just throw it in your shakes and oatmeal. You won't even tell it's there.
I've also separated some flax oil from the bottle into a different container and mixed apple pie spice, cinnamon, and vanilla extract .... I use it in oatmeal sometimes....tastes like apple pie .....sometimes I add raisins too
i just down it and swallow a drink or dilute orange juice straight after
i have a question do you count the calories from the fat as i have 2 tablespoons of flax seed oil (250) and 3 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (375) and a protein shake 180 after this there is hardly any calories left for food surely you cant just live off oil and the odd meal of say fish and green veg???