I posted this on some 5x5 thread as an idea a week or so ago, now I've given it some thought and this might actually work pretty well, I'm going to test it out. It consists of 2 different weeks, 1 lower rep 1 higher rep week each with different exercises. Feel free if you want to try it, just let me know what your diet is (fairly exactly) as this will obviously make a difference. I'll be doing DC's diet. This is a hybrid of things I have learned from DC, HST, and Bill Starr. It could be a huge flop but I'm going to try it out starting next Monday.
Note warmup sets not counted...
Monday (70% of max)
Dip, 4 x 5
Overhead Press, 4 x 5
Close-grip supinated pullup, 4 x 5
Squat, 4 x 5
Stiff-legged deadlift, 3 x 10
Wednesday (85% max)
Dip, 3 x 5
Overhead Press, 3 x 5
Pulldown/pullup, 3 x 5
Squat, 3 x 5
Stiff-legged deadlift, 2 x 10
Friday (FAILURE)
Dip, 2 x 5
Overhead Press, 2 x 5
Pulldown/pullup, 2 x 5
Squat, 2 x 5
Stiff-legged deadlift, 1 x 10
Monday (70% of max)
Hammer chest press, 3 x 10
Standing Overhead Press, 3 x 10
Hammer row, 3 x 10
Sumo Deadlift, 2 x 20
Wednesday (85% max)
Hammer chest press, 2 x 10
Standing Overhead Press, 2 x 10
Hammer row, 2 x 10
Sumo Deadlift, 2 x 20
Friday (FAILURE)
Hammer chest press, 1 x 10
Standing Overhead Press, 1 x 10
Hammer row, 1 x 10
Sumo Deadlift, 1 x 20
-----note to add calf raises, I typed this all up without putting them in.
Note warmup sets not counted...
Monday (70% of max)
Dip, 4 x 5
Overhead Press, 4 x 5
Close-grip supinated pullup, 4 x 5
Squat, 4 x 5
Stiff-legged deadlift, 3 x 10
Wednesday (85% max)
Dip, 3 x 5
Overhead Press, 3 x 5
Pulldown/pullup, 3 x 5
Squat, 3 x 5
Stiff-legged deadlift, 2 x 10
Friday (FAILURE)
Dip, 2 x 5
Overhead Press, 2 x 5
Pulldown/pullup, 2 x 5
Squat, 2 x 5
Stiff-legged deadlift, 1 x 10
Monday (70% of max)
Hammer chest press, 3 x 10
Standing Overhead Press, 3 x 10
Hammer row, 3 x 10
Sumo Deadlift, 2 x 20
Wednesday (85% max)
Hammer chest press, 2 x 10
Standing Overhead Press, 2 x 10
Hammer row, 2 x 10
Sumo Deadlift, 2 x 20
Friday (FAILURE)
Hammer chest press, 1 x 10
Standing Overhead Press, 1 x 10
Hammer row, 1 x 10
Sumo Deadlift, 1 x 20
-----note to add calf raises, I typed this all up without putting them in.