dw guys
69% of males in australia are overweight or obese, 20% obese, 49% overweight
amazing how we overtook you guys as the worlds fatest country
to be honest i have no idea how, lately wen i go out the men tend to be really skinny fitting into tight legged jeans and the women are all getting fat
went to a club last week and every women was wearing a short tight dress, onyl problem was all of them had a stomach bulge or big role sticking out under there dress
really upseting to see
I think American restaurants and companies have built a base in other countries now and are spreading our lifestyle and foods.
just watch our movies and shows compared to the 60's. in the 60's people on tv were all in shape, looked good.. in the 90's you started seeing shows and movies with fat people like its standard.. like Rosanne for example, or even shows like Fresh Prince or Family Matters where being overweight is joked about and used for plots. I'm not saying we shouldn't let fat people on tv, I'm saying its become normal for a middle aged guy to have a gut... and normal for him to get no exercise.. just leave work and hit a fast food joint.. grab a soda, fries, and burger.. then go home and watch tv. this is what the majority of people now do, I know cause I used to be one of those people when i let myself go.