Day 3 - Gaining Size!
Last night when I got home from work and took off my shirt, I couldn't believe the changes that were already going on... My arms looked so much fuller and they were looking hard as a rock... I had added vascularity as well and my stomach looked leaner... Trust me, I was extremely pleased...
So this morning I weighed in at 193.5 which is up 2.5 lbs. from Monday... Yet my waist was definitely leaner but I knew I wasn't imagining things when I saw the increase in mass in my upper body... This was very pleasing to me right off the bat...
So today I went at cardio with a 1 hour elliptical session and a 15 minute stairclimber... I did 1 hour straight on the elliptical averaging 93 rpm's... that covered 8 miles... I did the stairclimber on level 13 the entire climb... I swear that ever since I started mixing in the few long elliptical sessions once or twice a week I have cut up more and it preserves my legs more... My shins have been giving me trouble lately so this has been helping until my new shoes arrive... Plus when I do the elliptical, its not like others do it... I am in a pool of sweat when I get done because I go HARD the whole way using all my body and it just shreds my shoulders up...
So today I did back and triceps... Back is definitely my least favorite workout because I go extra long on it because there is so much ground to cover... Back tires me out more than any other workout and also due to the fact I broke my back before, I overcompensate because I want to make it stronger...
I started out with a superset of Close-grip bench press and standing dumbbell back extensions... everything i do is 4 sets of 10 as heavy as I can possibly go... That's the hypertrophy level 4 training... So my PR on close grip bench is 195 x 10... I jumped right in at 195 for the first two sets and went for a pr on my 3rd set at 200 x 10 and since I was feeling so good, I thought fck it, lets go for 205... Nailed it for 10! Big Pr there for me... I also set a pr on my dumbbell back extensions... basically standing bent over back extensions... I started at 70 x 10... I finished at 85 x 10... Another strong PR for me...
THE NEXT SUPERSET WAS A BEAST! I did dips from two benches with three plates on my legs for 4 sets of 20... I also superset that with single arm dumbbell rows... I did 110 x 10 on all four sets! People were staring at me like I was nuts doing this super set with that weight... all my veins were popping out all over the place... I was loving it... That set fatigued me a bit but when I feel any fatigue it makes me push harder... Next was a wide grip cable tricep extension... This also got some attention because the cable max weight is 150 which was too light... So I had to go get hand weights to add on the cable machine... I added an extra 32 lbs. to the machine making the sets 192 x 10... I superset with regular pull ups, 3 sets of 10... Then I moved on to cable kneel down single arm back pulldowns... once again, I had to add hand weights to the rack... 180 x 10 on all four sets... I did single arm cable tricep extensions with this at 85 x 10 and those were tought... Then I did my normal lower back raises while I hold a plate... 3 sets of 12... I finished strong on the roatary upper back machine with 4 sets... 220 x 10... This was an extremely tough workout but I was definitely looking great and feeling great about what I did today! Excellent workout today and looking for more pr's tomorrow!! All feedback welcome and appreciated!!