Day 73 - PCT Day 10 HUGE INTENSITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I felt great when I woke up... I did have some soreness in my chest from all the negatives from the day before but that was minimal... I felt very light and shredded and my vascularity has been amazing... I really felt great today...
Cardio was great today... I started with a 6 mile run at 8.0 mph for 45 minutes... Next I did the elliptical for 3.25 miles on level 8 for 25 minutes... I finished on the bike for 3.25 miles on level 8 for 10 minutes... I felt great after cardio and I was ready to hit the weights hard today...
So I decided that I was going to do the same type of workout I did yesterday with all of the negatives incorporated... This proved to be one of the most hardcore workouts I've done in such a long time.. This workout was shoulders and traps and I was ready to get after it!!
Superset: Seated dumbbell shoulder press ( 5 second negatives) - 65x10, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10
Seated dumbbell shoulder press - 80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x10
Superset: Standing dumbbell simotaneous straight arm lateral raise (5 second negatives) - 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10
Standing dumbbell simotaneous straight arm lateral raise - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Superset: Seated dumbbell simotaneous side arm curls ( 5 second negatives) - 25x10, 25x10, 25x10, 25x10
Seated dumbbell simotaneous side arm curls - 40x10, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10
Superset: Cable bar curl (5 second negatives) - 120x10, 120x10, 120x10, 120x10
Cable bar curl - 150x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10
Considering what I did for a workout yesterday, the fact I was able to do a similar type today was a major accomplishment... The way that I felt while doing this was amazing and the weight I was able to push through was awesome...
I started with the very difficult dumbbell shoulder press negatives and superset with regular dumbbell shoulder presses... I thought being able to do negatives with 65 lb dumbbells and supersetting with 80's was fcking amazing... I was definitely feeling it after this set...
The next superset was so difficult and had my shoulders looking so incredible that I just stared and smiled... I was so happy when I completed this superset because it was so damn hard... Straight arm dumbbell lateral raises on negatives is one of those exercises that burns you out quickly, yet i pushed through and made it... I was feeling sore after this but my stamina was awesome and I was ready for biceps...
Next I did a superset of seated dumbbell simotaneous side arm curls... I really worked my biceps hard on these and did some high quality curls... My biceps were burning on the negatives and the veins that I was showing on the negatives and the regular set was amazing... They were popping out all over the place...
I finished with a bar curl superset on the cable... I did the negatives at 120 and the regular ones at the full cable weight of 150... This was ripping my biceps up but they looked fcking great when I was done...
This workout was one of the most intense workouts I have done in a very long time... I am absolutely thrilled with my results and my motivation, energy and strength is at a very strong point right now... I am always motivated but I just can't wait to get back in the gym everyday... I love this so much and I love the progress that I am making... I just try to get better each and every day... All feedback appreciated!!