So I’m on prescribed test enanth 100mg/wk and have been for a few months. While my test production was decent before this, my receptors are a mess due to 7 concussions. Had depression, malaise, impotence, low sex drive, anxiety, the works. So the TRT has helped with most of that but NOT the impotence. I feel my sex drive has improved but I still need pills to get a good hard-on. I’m 44. It’s stupid. So anyway, I was supposed to meet my Doc this week after blood tests to see how things are going. Sadly now with COVID I can’t get a blood test, likely for months, because the clinics are non-essential and closed to tests like mine. And my Doc is stuck in South Africa unable to return home. It’s looking like it’ll be 4 mos before I can get bloodwork and consult and get the inevitable increase to my test dose to see if that’ll help with the ONE remaining issue I’m having. So I’m thinking of increasing my test up on my own. I have some Citadel Cyp I can use to add in an extra 50-100mg/wk to see what works (for a total of 150-200/wk). Would you suggest I start at 150/wk or go straight to 200/wk? I know 200mg/wk is pretty well the max that Dr’s prescribe. If it helps, she’s a legit aging doc who specializes in this area. She’s also a proponent of test pellet injections although I appear to not be a candidate... Thanks!
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