Way to knock something without getting all of the info. You didn't even read the whole fucking post and you drop it as shit. This is an alternative to dieting. It's not meant to drop you to 5% bf. It's a year round training program. There is no "Cut" "Bulk" involved. It's for recreational lifters and athletes.
Also, no one ever said they were going to McDonalds and by doing the cardio it would negate that. Read the whole post. Obviously you didn't, you even admitted it, so why do you completely dismiss it as shit?
Some people don't want to have to sit there and count every calorie every day. People have lives and doing this shit gets in the way. This plan summed up:
Eat relatively clean, above maintenence, and use the cardio for health. It is good for your heart, lungs, etc. The sprints also work as a safety net if you eat too many calories.
Shit, another thing, this plan is for naturals. If you juice then yeah, you should cut/bulk, but there ain't a point if you're natural and just lift w/no contests or events.
NC took some advice from college sprinters. Ever seen em? Fairly muscular guys, great conditioning, not overly huge but pretty big. I've seen it in college football players, too. Total athletes. Alot of people would rather look like that than a pro bodybuilder.