If you want to try it and dont want to smoke it, Try Marinol is the drug that has major active ingredient in marijuana in pill form. [/B][/QUOTE]
fuck marinol bro. if you dont want to smoke it just cook with it. smoking is not an effective way to ingest. by smoking you get about 10 percent of the herb and the rest is burned. you need to vaporize it or sautee it in butter over low heat for 10 minutes. drain the butter and use it to cook your favorite recipe. you will be stoned for the better part of the day though.
fuck marinol bro. if you dont want to smoke it just cook with it. smoking is not an effective way to ingest. by smoking you get about 10 percent of the herb and the rest is burned. you need to vaporize it or sautee it in butter over low heat for 10 minutes. drain the butter and use it to cook your favorite recipe. you will be stoned for the better part of the day though.