"technically" you dont or shouldnt need cardio to cut, but in practical application it never works out that way...what i mean is...if you burn say 300-400cals (actual cals not what the cheesy machines say you burn) after doing a bout of cardio...then theorretically you could skip the cardio and just cut 400 cals out of your daily calorie intake...but myslef and many others find that unless you have great genetics, you will need to do cardio....also many people like myself would prefer to be able to eat more throughout the day and just do more cardio....
also i would 1st start cutting the cals then add in the cardio, dont just jump into 60minutes of cardio, because after say 4 weeks and you arent losing you will end up adding more time to the cardio, then again after another 3-4 weeks, until you are up to some insane amount like 1.5-2hrs which i personally think is ludicrous and not needed, so cut the cals 1st, drop them down to maybe 10-12 times your body weight in calories, do about 30minutes a day, then start working up. HIIT cardio is really good, if you do HIIT i wouldnt go over 30 minutes.