Well, tonight was eventful to say the least. To start with, when she was reading the site with me, I only showed her the last couple replies. So she found out that I was going to pop the question on Valentine's Day. She said, "Valentine's Day, that's a long time away." I guess that's another hint huh? It gets better. She was playing with my high school ring and said, "You have really big fingers, what is your ring size?" "12.5," I said. Then she said, "I wear a size 4." Hint number 2 I believe. Well, later on, we decided we would go to the mall where they have an ice skating rink. I'll get to the funny skating story in a minute. First, on our way in we were walking past the jewelry counter in Belk's and she said, "Wait a minute ******, I want to look at something." She walked over to where the bracelets were at. She said, "I like that one, but it's yellow gold, and all my jewelry is either white gold or platinum. Oh well." I take that was hint number 3. So she wants a size 4, white gold or platinum engagement ring is what I'm thinking. She also kept on talking about what she was going to be getting people for Christmas. She asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Of course I said that all I wanted was her, and a got a big kiss and hug.

She asked me what i was going to get her for Christmas, and I told her that I wasn't going to tell because I was going to surprise her. I don't think she could have made it any clearer that she wanted me to ask her before Valentine's, but more like around Christmas. Okay, now for the funny skating story. I've never been ice skating before, but I figured that I'd be good at it since I'm good at everything

. She is a really good skater, she can even twirl around and do that kind of Olympic shit like that. I step on the ice, fall and it felt like I broke my fucking tailbone, but I'm tough, so I got and laughed it off. Well, I tok about two steps, fell again and this I landed on my knees, the wrists and face. Well, I'm really fucking tough now, so I get back up. She suggest that she hold my hand so I don't fall again. I liked that idea, so she takes my hand and we make it all the way to the other side of the ice, wher there is no way off the ice unless you skate all the way back to the otherside. Well, I fell again and luckily she fell on top of me so she didn't get hurt. This time it was all tailbone, back, and back of my head. I believe I have a concussion at this point, but she's a great girl. She throws one of my arms over her shoulders and wraps an arm around me, then skates me all the way back to the otherside were the skating rink first aid person is waiting on me. They said I have a mild concussion, and that she should drive me to the hospital. Fuck that, I'm tough, not going to the hospital. We hadn't ate yet, so I suggest we go get something to eat. After awhile of "discussing" it, we decide to go eat. After we finished eating, I asked her what she wanted to do, and she said go to the hospital. I convinced her that I was fine, so we came on home. I got a really nice massage. She even "massaged" my ass (I put massage in quotation marks because I think she was just trying to feel me up, but either way I liked it).

We're supposed to be eating Sunday lunch with her parents tomorrow (parents that haven't met me yet I might add), but she won't go to sleep and won't let me go to sleep because she's afraid that I won't wake up since I have a concussion, but she keeps shining this damn flashlight in me eyes for some reason. I know 100% that she really loves me after tonight. She's going to make a great wife (especially after I hide that damn flashlight). She's in the shower again (hmmm), but once she gets out I'm going to cuddle up with her and try to get us both some sleep. By the way, badazz, please don't put any quotes out of my ice skating story along with the AMAF quotes in your signature. This does sound like one of his stories doesn't it, just that mine are true, and I didn't "Give em the finger like Stone Cold and suplex em on the heater." Sorry, I just read that shit earlier today and laughed my ass off. Good night everbody.