Okay, I'm glad that i said something right for once!!! I'm s excited, nervous, anxious, over-joyed, thrilled, worried, confused, terrified, exstatic, oh, and I forgot happy, about going out with her tomorrow night that I don't think I'm going to be able to goto sleep tonight. I hope I don't do anything stupid or say something wrong. Now that we've gone over what not to say, any suggestions on things that I can say? I usually find myself saying something like, "I really, really,really,really like you...a lot...really." I always feel like an ass after I say something like that, but like I said, I'm not very good with words. I'm hoping that since I know this girl pretty well that I'll be a little more suave around her, but I doubt it. I'm more of the type that would just stare, drool, and make some kind of silly looking face. I can't mess this up though, I've been going through possible situations in my mind and conversation topics and stuff like that, but I still think that I'm going to mess up. Girls like to talk about themselves right? I could talk about her for hours, but that might scare her huh? I hope she's a little more talkative than normal becauseI don't want to be like the only one talking. I'm a good listener, but I have to have something to listen too. I figured we could go get something to eat at a really expensive place, goto a haunted house or something since it's near Halloween, catch a movie, and then take her back home. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get a peck on the cheek even. I'd probably faint if she did. I know I would if she were to actually kiss me on the lips. She's sooooooo wonderful. I feel like I've won a contest or something and a date with her was the grand prize. I know it sounds corny, but I just can't believe she's going out with me.