Yesterday during DE squat day right after squats my traiing partners and I went right into deadlifting.
The bar was loaded with 135 plus what looked like a ton of mini bands doubled or tripled up it just looked like a bunch of green snakes wrapped tightly around the bar. The mini's were anchored around a jump strech type platform so there was a ton of tension on the bar in the start and in the whole range of motion.
I am 6'2 1/2 with long arms and legs so I am built to deadlift. I had done 500 conventionaly a month ago.
I tried to do the weight with all the bands wrapped around it but I couldnt lock it out-just short.
Then I tried the sumo stance (legs wide hands close) and it wasnt very hard at all and it went up fast! I havent maxed out in a sumo dl before
I think that the sumo is better for me now. I know that some people pull better convetinal and some sumo. What about everyone else? Do sumo dl's benefit some body types more or does it depend on the individual? I think it could be more of an indivdual thing.
The bar was loaded with 135 plus what looked like a ton of mini bands doubled or tripled up it just looked like a bunch of green snakes wrapped tightly around the bar. The mini's were anchored around a jump strech type platform so there was a ton of tension on the bar in the start and in the whole range of motion.
I am 6'2 1/2 with long arms and legs so I am built to deadlift. I had done 500 conventionaly a month ago.
I tried to do the weight with all the bands wrapped around it but I couldnt lock it out-just short.
Then I tried the sumo stance (legs wide hands close) and it wasnt very hard at all and it went up fast! I havent maxed out in a sumo dl before
I think that the sumo is better for me now. I know that some people pull better convetinal and some sumo. What about everyone else? Do sumo dl's benefit some body types more or does it depend on the individual? I think it could be more of an indivdual thing.